python javascript

Terms and Conditions

These API License Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) shall govern the use of any ‘Market Data’ and Application Programming Interface (API) of CoinDCX by you, either an individual, association of persons, company, or any legal entity and its respective affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “User”). For the purpose of these Terms, ‘Market Data’ shall mean and include all data related to the trading activity on any website, applications or platform owned and operated by Primestack Pte. Limited and/or Neblio Technologies Private Limited or any of their parent company, subsidiaries, or affiliates (collectively referred to as “CoinDCX”) including any data, information made available to the User through the application programming interface of CoinDCX (“CoinDCX API”). The Market Data may include, without limitation, the prices and quantities of orders and transactions executed on any platform/ application of CoinDCX.

The User hereby agrees and acknowledges that upon accessing any CoinDCX API (defined hereinafter), Market Data and/or any other information, service, feature governed by terms contained herein, the User shall be bound by these Terms, as updated, modified, and/or replaced from time to time. The User is required to check for any such amendment, replacement or changes to the terms contained herein and any future use or access to any services covered herein.










The user shall ensure that the information received through APIs, including personally identifiable information is protected from unauthorized access or use and shall promptly report to CoinDCX of any unauthorized access or use of such information to the extent required by applicable law. The User must ensure secure operation of CoinDCX APIs by employing reasonable security measures. The Users shall report any security deficiencies or intrusions at [email protected].


In no event, whether in tort, contract or otherwise, shall CoinDCX or its Affiliates be liable towards the User for any indirect, special, consequential, incidental, punitive, business loss. Under no circumstances or event shall the maximum aggregate liability of CoinDCX towards the User or any of its Affiliates shall exceed INR 1,00,000/- (Rupees One lakh only).




Subject to the Arbitration clause above, these Terms shall be governed by the laws of India and the courts at Mumbai, India shall have exclusive jurisdiction.



Welcome to the CoinDCX API!

CoinDCX Public APIs can be used for placing different orders like Spot, Margin, Lend
and also for getting data related to different markets, candles, user balances etc.

Whereas Sockets can be used to get continues data related to trades, user balance, Orderbook, Bracket Order Trades, Order updates.

The python version used for API samples is 3.8 and 3.10.6




Among these, the open-equivalent status' includes:
init, open, partially_filled
Orders having any these status can undergo further change (like when they get filled or cancelled).

And settled or closed-equivalent status' includes:
filled, partially_cancelled, cancelled, rejected
Orders having any of these status could not undergo any change.

Margin Orders

Margin Internal Orders


To access CoinDCX Public APIs and Sockets you will need

  • Key and Secret
  • Programming and Scripting language (Python and Javascript)
  • Few Libraries (, request module, Crypto module)

Follow below mentioned steps for completing the pre-requisite

1. You can get your API key and Secret as follows

  • Go to your CoinDCX profile section
  • Click API dashboard
  • Click Create API key button and enter label name and check Bind IP Address to API key only if you wanna bind the API key with your IP
  • Enter email and SMS OTP
  • Store the Key and Secret visible on the screen

NOTE: If the Key is binded with the IP, then these API can only be used with the binded IP and cannot be shared with ony other user having different IP.

2. For Public APIs

a. Javascript:

We recommend using Node.js. We recommend that you use v14 and above You’ll need to have the following 2 Node modules installed to be able to work with our APIs:

  • Request module
  • Crypto module

b. Python:

We recommend that you use Python 3.8 and above. We recommend that you do not use Python 2 as it is on its path to be sunset. You can install/know more from the official Python website

3. For Sockets

a. Javascript:

We recommend using Node.js. We recommend that you use v14 and above You’ll need to have the following Node modules installed to be able to work with our APIs:

  • Please note only version 2.4.0 of this module would work with our Websockets. Please check this version in package.json

You can install the specific version by using the command

b. Python:

We recommend that you use Python 3.8 and above. We recommend that you do not use Python 2 as it is on its path to be sunset. You can install/know more from the official Python website

YAY!!, You are all set to access CoinDCX Public APIs and Sockets

SPOT API Rate Limits

API Name Rate Limit Period
Create Order Multiple 2000 60s
Create Order 2000 60s
Cancel All 30 60s
Multiple Order Status 2000 60s
Order Status 2000 60s
Cancel Multiple by ID 300 60s
Cancel 2000 60s
Active Order 300 60s
Edit Price 2000 60s

Public endpoints


HTTP Request

GET /exchange/ticker

const request = require('request')

const baseurl = ""

request.get(baseurl + "/exchange/ticker",function(error, response, body) {
import requests # Install requests module first.

url = ""

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()


    "market": "REQBTC",
    "change_24_hour": "-1.621",
    "high": "0.00002799",
    "low": "0.00002626",
    "volume": "14.10",
    "last_price": "0.00002663",
    "bid": "0.00002663",
    "ask": "0.00002669",
    "timestamp": 1524211224



HTTP Request

GET /exchange/v1/markets

const request = require('request')

const baseurl = ""

request.get(baseurl + "/exchange/v1/markets",function(error, response, body) {
import requests # Install requests module first.

url = ""

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()



Returns an array of strings of currently active markets.

Markets details

HTTP Request

GET /exchange/v1/markets_details

const request = require('request')

const baseurl = ""

request.get(baseurl + "/exchange/v1/markets_details",function(error, response, body) {
import requests # Install requests module first.

url = ""

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()


    "coindcx_name": "SNMBTC",
    "base_currency_short_name": "BTC",
    "target_currency_short_name": "SNM",
    "target_currency_name": "Sonm",
    "base_currency_name": "Bitcoin",
    "min_quantity": 1,
    "max_quantity": 90000000,
    "min_price": 5.66e-7,
    "max_price": 0.0000566,
    "min_notional": 0.001,
    "base_currency_precision": 8,
    "target_currency_precision": 0,
    "step": 1,
    "order_types": [ "take_profit", "stop_limit", "market_order", "limit_order" ],
    "symbol": "SNMBTC",
    "ecode": "B",
    "max_leverage": 3,
    "max_leverage_short": null,
    "pair": "B-SNM_BTC",
    "status": "active"

Response Param Definitions

Parameter Definitions
min_quantity It is the minimum quantity of target currency (SNT) for which an order may be placed
max_quantity It is the maximum quantity of target currency (SNT) for which an order may be placed
min_notional It is the minimum amount of base currency (BTC) for which an order may be placed
base_currency_precision Number of decimals accepted for the base currency
target_currency_precision Number of decimals accepted for the target currency
step It is the minimum increment accepted for the target currency
pair It is a string created by (ecode, target_currency_short_name, base_currency_short_name). It can be used to connect to DcxStreams socket for API trading. For example: B-BTC_USDT, I-BTC_INR, KC-XYZ_USDT
min_price It is the minimum Price for which an order may be placed
max_price It is the maximum Price for which an order may be placed
order_types Different type of orders that can be placed for the market. For example: limit_order, market_order etc
max_leverage It is the max leverage for long positions that is available in this market for margin trading
max_leverage_short It is the max leverage for short positions that is available in this market for margin trading
status This states if a market can be used for trading. Possible values could be active or inactive


HTTP request

GET /market_data/trade_history

import requests # Install requests module first.

url = "" # Replace 'B-BTC_USDT' with your desired market pair.

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')

const baseurl = ""

// Replace the "B-BTC_USDT" with the desired market pair.
request.get(baseurl + "/market_data/trade_history?pair=B-BTC_USDT&limit=50",function(error, response, body) {


    "p": 11603.88,
    "q": 0.023519,
    "s": "BTCUSDT",
    "T": 1565163305770,
    "m": false

Query parameters

Name Required Example
pair Yes B-SNT_BTC (pair from Market Details API)
limit No Default: 30; Max: 500

This API provides with a sorted list of most recent 30 trades by default if limit parameter is not passed.


Order book

const request = require('request')

const baseurl = ""

// Replace the "B-BTC_USDT" with the desired market pair.
request.get(baseurl + "/market_data/orderbook?pair=B-BTC_USDT",function(error, response, body) {
import requests # Install requests module first.

url = "" # Replace 'SNTBTC' with the desired market pair.

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()


    "11570.67000000": "0.000871",
    "11570.58000000": "0.001974",
    "11570.02000000": "0.280293",
    "11570.00000000": "5.929216",
    "11569.91000000": "0.000871",
    "11569.89000000": "0.0016",
   "13900.00000000": "27.04094600",
    "13100.00000000": "15.48547100",
    "12800.00000000": "36.93142200",
    "12200.00000000": "92.04554800",
    "12000.00000000": "72.66595000",
    "11950.00000000": "17.16624600",

HTTP request

GET /market_data/orderbook

Query parameters

Name Required Example
pair Yes B-BTC_USDT (pair from Market Details API)


const request = require('request')

const baseurl = ""

// Replace the "B-BTC_USDT" with the desired market pair.
request.get(baseurl + "/market_data/candles?pair=B-BTC_USDT&interval=1m",function(error, response, body) {
import requests # Install requests module first.

url = "" # Replace 'SNTBTC' with the desired market pair.

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()


        "open": 0.011803, // open price
        "high": 0.011803, // highest price
        "low": 0.011803, // lowest price
        "volume": 0.35,  // total volume in terms of target currency (in BTC for B-BTC_USDT)
        "close": 0.011803, // close price
        "time": 1561463700000 //open time in ms

HTTP request

GET /market_data/candles

Query parameters

Name Required Example
pair Yes B-BTC_USDT (pair from Market Details API)
interval Yes any of the valid intervals given below
startTime No timestamp in ms, eg: 1562855417000
endTime No timestamp in ms, eg: 1562855417000
limit No Default: 500; Max: 1000

This API provides with a sorted list (in descending order according to time key) of candlestick bars for given pair. Candles are uniquely identified by their time.

Valid intervals

m -> minutes, h -> hours, d -> days, w -> weeks, M -> months


To authorize, use this code:

  require 'net/http'
  require 'uri'
  require 'json'
  require 'openssl'

  secret = "Your secret key"
  key = "Your API key"

  payload = {
    "side" : "buy",
    "order_type" : "limit_order",
    "price_per_unit": 0.00001724,
    "market" : "SNTBTC",
    "total_quantity" : 100,
    "timestamp": 1524211224

  signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256'), secret, payload)

  headers = {
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY' => key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE' => signature

  uri = URI.parse("")

  https =, uri.port)
  https.use_ssl = true
  request =, headers)

  request.body = payload

  response = https.request(request)

Sample order creation with auth

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "side": "buy",  #Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
  "order_type": "limit_order", #Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
  "market": "SNTBTC", #Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
  "price_per_unit": 0.03244, #This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
  "total_quantity": 400, #Replace this with the quantity you want
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const   body = {
        "side": "buy",  //Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
        "order_type": "limit_order", //Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
        "market": "SNTBTC", //Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
        "price_per_unit": "0.03244", //This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
        "total_quantity": 400, //Replace this with the quantity you want
        "timestamp": timeStamp

    const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
    const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

    const options = {
        url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/create",
        headers: {
            'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
            'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
        json: true,
        body: body
    }, function(error, response, body) {

Make sure to replace API key and API secret with your own.

The authentication procedure is as follows:

After this, You will have to add following headers into all the authenticated requests

Header Name Value
X-AUTH-APIKEY your-api-key


Get balances

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json();

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = ""

const body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/users/balances",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


    "currency": "BTC",
    "balance": 1.167,
    "locked_balance": 2.1

Locked balance is the balance currently being used by an open order

This endpoint retrieves account's balances.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/users/balances

Get user info

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json();

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = ""

const body = {
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/users/info",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


    "coindcx_id": "fda259ce-22fc-11e9-ba72-ef9b29b5db2b",
    "first_name": "First name",
    "last_name": "Last name",
    "mobile_number": "000000000",
    "email": "[email protected]"

coindcx_id is the user id

This endpoint retrieves user info.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/users/info

Sub-account Wallet Transfer

The sub-account transfer APIs will enable the user to manage funds between master account & its corresponding sub-accounts

Sub Account Transfer

Using this endpoint,master account can carry out the following fund transfers:

For security reasons, this endpoint would only be available to users who have created an API key post 12th August, 2024.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
from_account_id String YES The account from which assets are being transferred (main or sub-account ID)
to_account_id String YES The account to which assets are being transferred (main or sub-account ID)
currency_short_name String YES The type of asset being transferred (e.g., BTC, ETH).
amount Float YES The amount of the asset to transfer

Possible Error Codes

Status Code Message Reason
422 Invalid transfer invalid from_account_id or to_account_id passed
401 Unauthorized access Transfer initiated by sub account user
400 Currency short name not present Invalid currency_short_name provided
404 source wallet not found Source currency wallet is not created for user
404 destination wallet not found Destination currency wallet is not created for user
422 Unverified Sub-Account Email verification pending for sub account user
400 Insufficient funds Amount to be transferred is more than the available wallet balance
422 Amount should be greater than Amount should be greater than
422 Your withdrawals are blocked for another XX hours because you changed your account authentication mode User is under surveillance
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "xxx";     // to be created from api dashboard of the user
const secret = "xxx"; // to be created from api dashboard of the user

const body = {
    "from_account_id": "yyyyy",
    "to_account_id": "xxxxxx",
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "amount":1 ,
    "timestamp": timeStamp


const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/wallets/sub_account_transfer",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')

# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,  # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "from_account_id": "xxxxx",
    "to_account_id": "yyyyy",
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "amount": 1,

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


    "status": "success",
    "message": 200,
    "code": 200

Wallet Transfer

Using this endpoint,master account can carry out the following fund transfers:

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
source_wallet_type Enum YES The wallet type from which balance has to be transferred (spot / futures)
destination_wallet_type Enum YES The wallet type from which balance has to be transferred (spot / futures)
currency_short_name String YES The type of asset being transferred (e.g., BTC, ETH).
amount Float YES The amount of the asset to transfer

Possible Error Codes

Status Code Message Reason
422 Invalid amount Amount to be transferred should be positive
422 Invalid currency Invalid currency_short_name provided
422 Derivatives Futures Wallet creation is not allowed for currency_short_name: <currency_short_name> Futures wallet creation not allowed for currency
422 This feature is not enabled yet. Futures wallet not enabled for user
404 Wallet not found Futures wallet not created for user
400 Insufficient funds Amount to be transferred is more than the available wallet balance
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "xxx";
const secret = "xxx";

const body = {
    "source_wallet_type" : "spot",
    "destination_wallet_type": "futures",
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "amount": 1,
    "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/wallets/transfer",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')

# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,  # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "source_wallet_type": "futures",
    "destination_wallet_type": "spot",
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "amount": 1,

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


    "status": "success",
    "message": 200,
    "code": 200


Enum definitions for the purpose of order are as follows:

Name Values
side buy, sell
order_type market_order, limit_order
order_status open, partially_filled, filled, cancelled, rejected, partially_cancelled, init
ecode I, B, HB, KC

New order

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "side": "buy",    #Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
  "order_type": "limit_order", #Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
  "market": "SNTBTC", #Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
  "price_per_unit": 0.03244, #This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
  "total_quantity": 400, #Replace this with the quantity you want
  "timestamp": timeStamp,
  "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1" #Replace this with the client order id you want

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    "side": "buy",  //Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
    "order_type": "limit_order", //Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
    "market": "SNTBTC", //Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market.
    "price_per_unit": "0.03244", //This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
    "total_quantity": 400, //Replace this with the quantity you want
    "timestamp": timeStamp,
    "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1" //Replace this with the client order id you want

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/create",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


        "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1",

Use this endpoint to place a new order on the exchange

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/create

Request Parameters

Name Required Example Description
market Yes SNTBTC The trading pair
total_quantity Yes 1.101 Quantity to trade
price_per_unit No 0.082 Price per unit (not required for market order)
side Yes buy Specify buy or sell
order_type Yes market_order Order Type
client_order_id No 2022.02.14-btcinr_1 Client order id of the order
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Response Parameters

Name Description
id It's system generated order id
client_order_id It's provided while placing order by the user
market Market for which order has been placed
side Side provided while placing order
order_type Order Type provided while placing order
status This tells the current status of the order. For example: When the order firstly is placed, the status shows open
fee_amount Amount of fee charged to the user if the order gets executed and moved to the filled status
fee This is a Fee in percentage that is used to calculate fee_amount
total_quantity Quantity provided while placing order
remaining_quantity Quantity remaining to be filled
avg_price The price on which the user's order gets executed, it's 0.0 when order is in open status
price_per_unit price_per_unit provided while placing order
created_at It's a time when order was placed
updated_at It's a time when anything related to the order was updated. For example avg_price, total_quantity, status etc

Create multiple orders

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "orders": [
    "side": "buy",  #Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
    "order_type": "limit_order", #Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
    "market": "SNTBTC", #Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
    "price_per_unit": 0.03244, #This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
    "total_quantity": 400, #Replace this with the quantity you want
    "timestamp": timeStamp,
    "ecode": "I",
    "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1" #Replace this with the client order id you want
    "side": "buy",  #Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
    "order_type": "limit_order", #Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
    "market": "SNTBTC", #Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
    "price_per_unit": 0.03244, #This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
    "total_quantity": 400, #Replace this with the quantity you want
    "timestamp": timeStamp,
    "ecode": "I"

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {"orders": [{
          "side": "buy",  //Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
          "order_type": "limit_order", //Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
          "market": "BTCINR", //Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market.
          "price_per_unit": "466330", //This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
          "total_quantity": 0.01, //Replace this with the quantity you want
          "timestamp": timeStamp,
          "ecode": "I",
          "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1" //Replace this with the client order id you want
          "side": "buy",  //Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
          "order_type": "limit_order", //Toggle between a 'market_order' or 'limit_order'.
          "market": "BTCINR", //Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market.
          "price_per_unit": "466330", //This parameter is only required for a 'limit_order'
          "total_quantity": 0.01, //Replace this with the quantity you want
          "timestamp": timeStamp,
          "ecode": "I"

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/create_multiple",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


        "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1",

Use this endpoint to place a multiple orders on the exchange

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/create_multiple

Parameters in an array of objects

Name Required Example Description
market Yes SNTBTC The trading pair
total_quantity Yes 1.101 Quantity to trade
price_per_unit No 0.082 Price per unit (not required for market order)
side Yes buy Specify buy or sell
order_type Yes market_order Order Type
ecode Yes I Exchange code
client_order_id No 2022.02.14-btcinr_1 Client order id of the order
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Order status

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed", # Enter your Order ID here.
  # "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1", # Enter your Client Order ID here.
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    // "id": "qwd19992-43fd-14e8-b027-bb815bnb14ed", //Replace it with your Order ID.
    "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1", //Replace it with your Client Order ID.
    "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/status",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1",

Use this endpoint to fetch status of any order

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/status


Name Required Example Description
id No ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed The ID of the order
client_order_id No 2022.02.14-btcinr_1 The Client Order ID of the order
timestamp Yes 1524211224 When was the request generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Note: id or client_order_id one of the paramter is required.

Multiple order status

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  # "ids": ["8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4", "8a1d1e4c-c895-11e8-9dff-df1480546936"], # Array of Order ids
  "client_order_ids": ["2022.02.14-btcinr_1", "2022.02.14-btcinr_2"], # Array of Client Order ids
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "ids": ["8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4", "8a1d1e4c-c895-11e8-9dff-df1480546936"], // Array of Order ids
  // "client_order_ids": ["2022.02.14-btcinr_1", "2022.02.14-btcinr_2"], // Array of Client Order ids
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/status_multiple",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


    "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1",

Use this endpoint to fetch status of any order

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/status_multiple


Name Required Example Description
ids No ["ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed", "8a1d1e4c-c895-11e8-9dff-df1480546936"] Array of order IDs
client_order_ids No ["2022.02.14-btcinr_1", "2022.02.14-btcinr_2"] Array of client order IDs
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Note: id or client_order_id one of the paramter is required.

Active orders

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "side": "buy", # Toggle between a 'buy' or 'sell' order.
    "market": "SNTBTC", # Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
    "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    "side": "buy", //Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
    "market": "SNTBTC", //Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
    "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/active_orders",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


    "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1",

Use this endpoint to fetch active orders

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/active_orders


Name Required Example Description
market Yes SNTBTC
side No buy
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Account Trade history

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "from_id": 352622,
  "limit": 50,
  "timestamp": timeStamp,
  "sort": "asc",
  "from_timestamp": 1514745000000, # replace this with your from timestamp filter
  "to_timestamp": 1514745000000, # replace this with your to timestamp filter
  "symbol": "BCHBTC" # replace this with your symbol filter

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "from_id": 352622,
  "limit": 50,
  "timestamp": timestamp,
  "sort": "asc",
  "from_timestamp": 1514745000000, // replace this with your from timestamp filter
  "to_timestamp": 1514745000000, // replace this with your to timestamp filter
  "symbol": "BCHBTC" // replace this with your symbol filter

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/trade_history",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


    "id":                         564389,
    "order_id":                   "ee060ab6-40ed-11e8-b4b9-3f2ce29cd280",
    "side":                       "buy",
    "fee_amount":                 "0.00001129",
    "ecode":                      "B",
    "quantity":                   67.9,
    "price":                      0.00008272,
    "symbol":                     "SNTBTC",
    "timestamp":                  1533700109811

Use this endpoint to fetch trades associated with your account

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/trade_history


Name Required Example Description
limit No 100 Default: 500, Min: 1, Max: 5000
from_id No 28473 Trade ID after which you want the data. If not supplied, trades in ascending order will be returned
sort No asc Specify asc or desc to get trades in ascending or descending order, default: asc
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)
from_timestamp No 1514745000000 Timestamp after which you want the data. If not supplied, all trades from starting will be returned
to_timestamp No 1514745000000 Timestamp before which you want the data. If not supplied, all trades till now will be returned
symbol No SNTBTC Symbol for which you want the data. If not supplied, trades from all symbols will be returned

Active orders count

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "side": "buy", # Toggle between a 'buy' or 'sell' order.
  "market": "SNTBTC", # Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    "side": "buy", //Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'.
    "market": "SNTBTC", //Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
    "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/active_orders_count",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


 { count: 1, status: 200 }

Use this endpoint to fetch active orders count

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/active_orders_count


Name Required Example Description
market Yes SNTBTC
side No buy
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Cancel all

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "side": "buy", # Toggle between a 'buy' or 'sell' order.
  "market": "SNTBTC", # Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const   body = {
        "side": "buy", //Toggle between 'buy' or 'sell'. Not compulsory
        "market": "SNTBTC", //Replace 'SNTBTC' with your desired market pair.
        "timestamp": timeStamp

    const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
    const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

    const options = {
        url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/cancel_all",
        headers: {
            'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
            'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
        json: true,
        body: body
    }, function(error, response, body) {


Use this endpoint to cancel multiple active orders in a single API call

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/cancel_all


Name Required Example Description
market Yes SNTBTC
side No buy
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Sending side param is optional. You may cancel all the sell orders of SNTBTC by sending
{market: "SNTBTC", side : "sell"}

Or you may cancel all your orders in SNTBTC market by sending
{market: "SNTBTC"}

Cancel multiple By Ids

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "ids": ["8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4", "8a1d1e4c-c895-11e8-9dff-df1480546936"]
  # "client_order_ids": ["2022.02.14-btcinr_1", "2022.02.14-btcinr_2"] # Array of client_order_ids

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    ids: ["8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4", "8a1d1e4c-c895-11e8-9dff-df1480546936"] // Array of order_ids
    // client_order_ids: ["2022.02.14-btcinr_1", "2022.02.14-btcinr_2"] // Array of client_order_ids

  const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
  const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

  const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/cancel_by_ids",
    headers: {
      'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
      'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
  }, function(error, response, body) {


Use this endpoint to cancel multiple active orders in a single API call

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/cancel_by_ids


Name Required Example Description
ids No ["8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4", "8a1d1e4c-c895-11e8-9dff-df1480546936"] Array of order IDs
client_order_ids No ["2022.02.14-btcinr_1", "2022.02.14-btcinr_2"] Array of Client Order IDs

Note: id or client_order_id one of the paramter is required.


import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from CoinDCX website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed", # Enter your Order ID here.
    # "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1", # Enter your Client Order ID here.
    "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed", // Replace this with your Order ID.
    // "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1", // Replace this with your Client Order ID.
    "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/cancel",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


Use this endpoint to cancel an active orders

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/cancel


Name Required Example Description
id No ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed The ID of the order
client_order_id No 2022.02.14-btcinr_1 The Client Order ID of the order
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Note: id or client_order_id one of the paramter is required.

Edit Price

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from CoinDCX website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", # Enter your Order ID here.
  "timestamp": timeStamp,
  "price_per_unit": 123.45 # Enter the new-price here

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "XXXX";
const secret = "YYYY";

const body = {
  "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // Enter your Order ID here.
  // "client_order_id": "2022.02.14-btcinr_1", // Replace this with your Client Order ID.
  "timestamp": timeStamp,
  "price_per_unit": 123.45 // Enter the new-price here

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/orders/edit",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "market": "TRXETH",
  "order_type": "limit_order",
  "side": "buy",
  "status": "open",
  "fee_amount": 0.0000008,
  "fee": 0.1,
  "total_quantity": 2,
  "remaining_quantity": 2.0,
  "avg_price": 0.0,
  "price_per_unit": 123.45,
  "created_at": "2020-12-12T18:17:28.022Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-12-12T18:17:28.022Z"

Use this endpoint to edit the price of an active order

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/orders/edit


Name Required Example Description
id No ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed The ID of the order
client_order_id No 2022.02.14-btcinr_1 The Client Order ID of the order
price_per_unit Yes 123.45 New Price for the order
timestamp Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Note: id or client_order_id one of the paramter is required.

Lend Order

Fetch Orders

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/funding/fetch_orders",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


[ { "id": "caa1e032-5763-42a5-9684-587bc1a846d8",
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "amount": 0.01,
    "title": "Tether",
    "interest": 0.1,
    "interest_type": "simple",
    "duration": 8,
    "side": "lend",
    "expiry": 1564666811940,
    "status": "close",
    "created_at": 1563975611942,
    "settled_at": 1565615166177 },
  { "id": "1212ad3d-8a5b-4965-9d21-151efc0c84d7",
    "currency_short_name": "BTC",
    "amount": 0.01,
    "title": "Bitcoin",
    "interest": 0.1,
    "interest_type": "simple",
    "duration": 8,
    "side": "lend",
    "expiry": 1564666764834,
    "status": "close",
    "created_at": 1563975564836,
    "settled_at": 1563975597184 } ]

Use this endpoint to fetch orders and its details

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/funding/fetch_orders


Name Type Required Example Description
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)


import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "currency_short_name": "BTC",
  "duration": 20,
  "amount": 0.5,
  "timestamp": timeStamp
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "currency_short_name": "BTC",
  "duration": 20,
  "amount": 0.5,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/funding/lend",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


[ { "id": "df7d9640-29e8-4731-9fc6-ec2f738507e2",
    "currency_short_name": "XRP",
    "amount": 11,
    "interest": 0.05,
    "title": "Ripple",
    "interest_type": "simple",
    "duration": 20,
    "side": "lend",
    "expiry": 1576069883995,
    "status": "open",
    "created_at": 1574341883998,
    "settled_at": null } ]

Use this endpoint to lend specified currency on the exchange.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/funding/lend


Name Type Required Example Description
currency_short_name string Yes XRP The lending currency
amount number Yes 11 Quantity to lend
duration number Yes 20 The Time period for which you want to lend the currency in days
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)


import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from CoinDCX website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/funding/settle",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


[ { "id": "df7d9640-29e8-4731-9fc6-ec2f738507e2",
    "currency_short_name": "XRP",
    "amount": 11,
    "interest": 0.05,
    "title": "Ripple",
    "interest_type": "simple",
    "duration": 20,
    "side": "lend",
    "expiry": 1576069883995,
    "status": "exit",
    "created_at": 1574341883998,
    "settled_at": 1574342058493 } ]

Use this endpoint to settle lend order.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/funding/settle


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed The ID of the order
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Margin Order

Enum definitions for the purpose of order are as follows:

Name Values
side buy, sell
order_type market_order, limit_order, stop_limit, take_profit
order_status init, partial_entry, open, partial_close, close, cancelled, rejected, triggered
timestamp 1524211224
ecode B

Place Order

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "side": "buy",
  "order_type": "limit_order",
  "market": "XRPBTC",
  "price": 0.000025,
  "quantity": 90,
  "ecode": 'B',
  "leverage": 1.0,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "side": "buy",
  "order_type": "limit_order",
  "market": "XRPBTC",
  "price": 0.000025,
  "quantity": 90,
  "ecode": 'B',
  "leverage": 1,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/create",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));


  "id": "30b5002f-d9c1-413d-8a8d-0fd32b054c9c",
  "side": "sell",
  "status": "init",
  "market": "XRPBTC",
  "order_type": "limit_order",
  "trailing_sl": false,
  "trail_percent": null,
  "avg_entry": 0,
  "avg_exit": 0,
  "fee": 0.02,
  "entry_fee": 0,
  "exit_fee": 0,
  "active_pos": 0,
  "exit_pos": 0,
  "total_pos": 0,
  "quantity": 200,
  "price": 0.000026,
  "sl_price": 0.00005005,
  "target_price": 0,
  "stop_price": 0,
  "pnl": 0,
  "initial_margin": 0.00520208,
  "interest": 0.05,
  "interest_amount": 0,
  "leverage": 1,
  "result": null,
  "created_at": 1568122929782,
  "updated_at": 1568122929782,
    "id": 164993,
    "order_type": "limit_order",
    "status": "initial",
    "market": "XRPBTC",
    "side": "sell",
    "avg_price": 0,
    "total_quantity": 200,
    "remaining_quantity": 200,
    "price_per_unit": 0.000026,
    "timestamp": 1568122929880.75,
    "fee": 0.02,
    "fee_amount": 0,
    "filled_quantity": 0,
    "bo_stage": "stage_entry",
    "cancelled_quantity": 0,
    "stop_price": 0

Use this endpoint to place a new order on the exchange.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/create


Name Type Required Example Description
market string Yes XRPBTC The trading pair
quantity number Yes 1.101 Quantity to trade
price number No 0.082 Price per unit (not required for market order, mandatory for rest)
leverage number No 1 Borrowed capital to increase the potential returns
side string Yes buy Specify buy or sell
stop_price number No 0.082 Price to stop the order at(mandatory in case of stop_limit & take_profit)
order_type string Yes market_order Order Type
trailing_sl boolean No true To place order with Trailing Stop Loss
target_price number No 0.082 The price to buy/sell or close the order position
ecode string Yes B Exchange code in which the order will be placed
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Cancel Order

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id": "qwd19992-43fd-14e8-b027-bb815bnb14ed",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/cancel",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "Cancellation accepted",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to cancel any order.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/cancel


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed The ID of the order
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)


import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from CoinDCX website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id": "ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/exit",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "Order exit accepted",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to exit any order.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/exit


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed The ID of the order
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Edit Target

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id": "8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4",
  "target_price": 0.6,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id": "8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4",
  "target_price": 0.6,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/edit_target",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "Target price updated",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to edit the target price of any order.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/edit_target


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes 8a2f4284-c895-11e8-9e00-5b2c002a6ff4 ID of the order to edit
target_price number Yes 0.082 The new price to buy/sell or close the order position at
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Edit Price of Target Order

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id": "",
  "target_price": 0.00026,
  "itpo_id": "",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
  'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id": "",
  "target_price": 0.00026,
  "itpo_id": "",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/edit_price_of_target_order",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "Target price updated",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to edit price of internal target order.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/edit_price_of_target_order


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed
target_price number Yes 0.082 The new price to buy/sell or close the order position at
itpo_id string Yes 164968 ID of internal order to edit
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Edit SL Price

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id" : "",
  "sl_price": 0.06,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id" : "",
  "sl_price": 0.06,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/edit_sl",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "SL price updated",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to edit stop loss price of a bracket order.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/edit_sl


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed ID of Margin Order
sl_price number Yes 0.082 The price to Stop Loss at
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Edit SL Price of Trailing Stop Loss

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id" : "",
  "sl_price": 0.06,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id" : "",
  "sl_price": 0.06,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/edit_trailing_sl",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "Trailing SL price updated",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to edit stop loss price of a trailing stop loss order.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/edit_trailing_sl


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed ID of Margin Order
sl_price number Yes 0.082 The new price to Stop Loss at
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Add Margin

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id" : "",
  "amount": 0.06,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id" : "",
  "amount": 0.06,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/add_margin",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "Margin added successfully",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to add a particular amount to your margin order, decreasing the effective leverage.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/add_margin


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed ID of Margin Order
amount number Yes 0.06 Amount to add in the margin to decrease effective leverage
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Remove Margin

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "id" : "",
  "amount": 0.06, initial margin.
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "id" : "",
  "amount": 0.06,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
  url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/remove_margin",
  headers: {
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
  json: true,
  body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


  "message": "Margin removed successfully",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Use this endpoint to remove a particular amount from your Margin order, increasing the effective leverage.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/remove_margin


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes ead19992-43fd-11e8-b027-bb815bcb14ed ID of Margin Order
amount number Yes 0.06 Amount to remove from the margin to increase effective leverage
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Fetch Orders

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "details": True,
  "market": "LTCBTC",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "details": true,
  "market": "LTCBTC",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/fetch_orders",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));


    "id": "30b5002f-d9c1-413d-8a8d-0fd32b054c9c",
    "side": "sell",
    "status": "rejected",
    "market": "XRPBTC",
    "order_type": "limit_order",
    "trailing_sl": false,
    "trail_percent": null,
    "avg_entry": 0,
    "avg_exit": 0,
    "fee": 0.02,
    "entry_fee": 0,
    "exit_fee": 0,
    "active_pos": 0,
    "exit_pos": 0,
    "total_pos": 0,
    "quantity": 200,
    "price": 0.000026,
    "sl_price": 0.00005005,
    "target_price": 0,
    "stop_price": 0,
    "pnl": 0,
    "initial_margin": 0,
    "interest": 0.05,
    "interest_amount": 0,
    "leverage": 1,
    "result": null,
    "created_at": 1568122929782,
    "updated_at": 1568122930404,
    "orders": [{
      "id": 164993,
      "order_type": "limit_order",
      "status": "rejected",
      "market": "XRPBTC",
      "side": "sell",
      "avg_price": 0,
      "total_quantity": 200,
      "remaining_quantity": 200,
      "price_per_unit": 0.000026,
      "timestamp": 1568122929880.75,
      "fee": 0.02,
      "fee_amount": 0,
      "filled_quantity": 0,
      "bo_stage": "stage_entry",
      "cancelled_quantity": 0,
      "stop_price": 0
    "id": "e45cd26a-32e9-4d20-b230-a8933046f4eb",
    "side": "sell",
    "status": "rejected",
    "market": "XRPBTC",
    "order_type": "limit_order",
    "trailing_sl": false,
    "trail_percent": null,
    "avg_entry": 0,
    "avg_exit": 0,
    "fee": 0.02,
    "entry_fee": 0,
    "exit_fee": 0,
    "active_pos": 0,
    "exit_pos": 0,
    "total_pos": 0,
    "quantity": 200,
    "price": 0.000026,
    "sl_price": 0.00005005,
    "target_price": 0,
    "stop_price": 0,
    "pnl": 0,
    "initial_margin": 0,
    "interest": 0.05,
    "interest_amount": 0,
    "leverage": 1,
    "result": null,
    "created_at": 1568122721421,
    "updated_at": 1568122721905,
    "orders": [{
      "id": 164993,
      "order_type": "limit_order",
      "status": "rejected",
      "market": "XRPBTC",
      "side": "sell",
      "avg_price": 0,
      "total_quantity": 200,
      "remaining_quantity": 200,
      "price_per_unit": 0.000026,
      "timestamp": 1568122929880.75,
      "fee": 0.02,
      "fee_amount": 0,
      "filled_quantity": 0,
      "bo_stage": "stage_entry",
      "cancelled_quantity": 0,
      "stop_price": 0

Use this endpoint to fetch orders and optionally its details which include all buy/sell related orders

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/fetch_orders


Name Type Required Example Description
market string No XRPBTC The trading pair, default: Orders for all market
details boolean No false Whether you want detailed information or not, default: false
status string No init,open,close,rejected,cancelled,

The status of the order, default: All orders
size number No 20 Number of records per page, default: 10
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)

Query Order

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp.
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "details": true,
  "id": "30b5002f-d9c1-413d-8a8d-0fd32b054c9c",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "details": true,
  "id": "30b5002f-d9c1-413d-8a8d-0fd32b054c9c",
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/order",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));


    "id": "30b5002f-d9c1-413d-8a8d-0fd32b054c9c",
    "side": "sell",
    "status": "rejected",
    "market": "XRPBTC",
    "order_type": "limit_order",
    "trailing_sl": false,
    "trail_percent": null,
    "avg_entry": 0,
    "avg_exit": 0,
    "fee": 0.02,
    "entry_fee": 0,
    "exit_fee": 0,
    "active_pos": 0,
    "exit_pos": 0,
    "total_pos": 0,
    "quantity": 200,
    "price": 0.000026,
    "sl_price": 0.00005005,
    "target_price": 0,
    "stop_price": 0,
    "pnl": 0,
    "initial_margin": 0,
    "interest": 0.05,
    "interest_amount": 0,
    "leverage": 1,
    "result": null,
    "created_at": 1568122929782,
    "updated_at": 1568122930404,
    "orders": [{
      "id": 164993,
      "order_type": "limit_order",
      "status": "rejected",
      "market": "XRPBTC",
      "side": "sell",
      "avg_price": 0,
      "total_quantity": 200,
      "remaining_quantity": 200,
      "price_per_unit": 0.000026,
      "timestamp": 1568122929880.75,
      "fee": 0.02,
      "fee_amount": 0,
      "filled_quantity": 0,
      "bo_stage": "stage_entry",
      "cancelled_quantity": 0,
      "stop_price": 0

Use this endpoint to query specific order and optionally its details.

HTTP Request

POST /exchange/v1/margin/order


Name Type Required Example Description
id string Yes 30b5002f-d9c1-413d-8a8d-0fd32b054c9c Id of the order
details boolean No false Whether you want detailed information or not, default: false
timestamp number Yes 1524211224 Timestamp at which the request was generated (see 'Common Notes' under 'Authentication' heading to read more)


Get the pagination details in the response header

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "details": true,
  "market": "LTCBTC",
  "page": 2,
  "size": 5,
  "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/margin/fetch_orders",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {


Name Description
page Page number to fetch. Pagination starts at page 1
size Number of records per page; Default: 100, Max: 1000

Response Headers

  date: 'Wed, 11 Sep 2019 09:38:19 GMT',
  'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
  'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
  connection: 'close',
  status: '200 OK',
  'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
  'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block',
  'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
  'x-pagination': '{"total":29,"total_pages":6,"first_page":false,"last_page":false,"previous_page":1,"next_page":3,"out_of_bounds":false,"offset":5}',

Spot Sockets

There are two types of channels

  1. Private (requires authentication)
  2. Public (doesn’t require authentication)


To connect to public socket

Refer to the right panel.

Below chart states the channel to event flow

Socket channel flow

import socketio

def my_headers():
    return {"origin": "*"}

socketEndpoint = ''
sio = socketio.Client()

sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports = 'websocket')

# Listen update on channelName
def on_message(response):

# leave a channel
sio.emit('leave', { 'channelName' : channelName })

# Successfull connection
def connect():
    sio.emit('join', { 'channelName': 'channelName' })
    print("I'm connected!")

# Connection error
def connect_error(data):
    print("The connection failed!")

import io from '';

const socketEndpoint = "";

const socket = io.connect(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket'],
  origin: '*',

//Listen update on channelName
socket.on('eventName', (response) => {


// client-side
socket.on("connect", () => {
  console.log(,'coindcx'); // x8WIv7-mJelg7on_ALbx
  //Join Channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "channelName",

// leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': "channelName"

//These examples has been tested on the following versions :
// 1.
// 2.
// 3. 
// 4. 

Get Balance Update



  • id: Wallet Id
  • balance: usable balance
  • locked_balance: balance currently being used by an open order
  • currency_short_name: currency like LTC, BTC etc.
import socketio
import hmac
import hashlib
import json

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
channelName = "coindcx"
body = {"channel": channelName}
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': channelName, 'authSignature': signature, 'apiKey': key})

def on_message(response):
    print("balance-update Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('balance-update', {'channelName': channelName})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

const secret = "xxx";
const key = "xxx";

const body = { channel: "coindcx" };
const payload = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "coindcx",
    'authSignature': signature,
    'apiKey' : key


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("balance-update", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'coindcx'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Balance Update response:


Get Order Update



  • id: unique order identifier (uuid)
  • client_order_id: client order id of the order
  • order_type: the order type
  • side: whether the order is a buy order or a sell order
  • status: the current status
  • fee_amount: total fee amount charged so far (in base-currency)
  • fee: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • maker_fee: the fee (in percentage) to be charged for maker-trades for this order
  • taker_fee: the fee (in percentage) to be charged for taker-trades for this order
  • total_quantity: total quantity
  • remaining_quantity: pending (unfilled/uncancelled) quantity
  • source: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • base_currency_name: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • target_currency_name: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • base_currency_short_name: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • target_currency_short_name: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • base_currency_precision: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • target_currency_precision: deprecated - do not refer - will be removed soon
  • avg_price: avg-execution price so far
  • price_per_unit: specified limit price
  • stop_price: specified stop price (applicable for stop-variant orders)
  • market: symbol
  • time_in_force: just contains one value for now, which is good_till_cancel
  • created_at: the timestamp for order creation
  • updated_at: the latest timestamp specifying when the order was updated
import socketio
import hmac
import hashlib
import json

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
channelName = "coindcx"
body = {"channel": channelName}
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': channelName, 'authSignature': signature, 'apiKey': key})

def on_message(response):
    print("order-update Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('order-update', {'channelName': channelName})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

const secret = "xxx";
const key = "xxx";

const body = { channel: "coindcx" };
const payload = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "coindcx",
    'authSignature': signature,
    'apiKey' : key


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("order-update", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'coindcx'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Order Update response:

      "base_currency_name":"Indian Rupee",

Get Trade Update



  • o: system generated order id
  • c: client order id
  • t: trade id
  • s: symbol/market (USDTINR)
  • p: price
  • q: quantity
  • T: timestamp
  • m: whether the buyer is market maker or not.
  • f: fee amount
  • e: exchange identifier
  • x: status
import socketio
import hmac
import hashlib
import json

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
channelName = "coindcx"
body = {"channel": channelName}
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': channelName, 'authSignature': signature, 'apiKey': key})

def on_message(response):
    print("trade-update Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('trade-update', {'channelName': channelName})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

const secret = "xxx";
const key = "xxx";

const body = { channel: "coindcx" };
const payload = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "coindcx",
    'authSignature': signature,
    'apiKey' : key


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("trade-update", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'coindcx'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Trade Update response:


Get Candlestick Info

The set of candlestick resolutions available are ["1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "4h", "8h", "1d", "3d", "1w", "1M"]. For example, for 15 minute candle please connect to channel {pair}_15m.


  • Channel: {pair}_1m ( Use 'pair' from Markets details API response. )
  • Event: candlestick
  • Description: This event provides information on the current candlestick bars for a given pair at the resolution.


  • t: start timestamp
  • T: close timestamp
  • s: symbol
  • i: candle period
  • f : first trade ID
  • L: last trade ID
  • o: open
  • c: close
  • h: high
  • l: low
  • v: Base asset volume
  • n: number of trades
  • x: current candle has been completed Y/N
  • q: completed trade amount (in quote asset)
  • V: Taker buy base asset volume
  • Q: taker trade amount(in quote asset)
  • B: first trade ID
  • ecode: exchange code
  • channel: Channel Name
  • pr: product
import socketio

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT_1m"})

def on_message(response):
    print("candlestick Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('candlestick', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT_1m"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT_1m"


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("'candlestick", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'B-BTC_USDT_1m'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Candlestick response:

        "t": 1717075560000,
        "T": 1717075619999,
        "s": "BTCUSDT",
        "i": "1m",
        "f": 3619173860,
        "L": 3619175261,
        "o": "68292.00000000",
        "c": "68273.44000000",
        "h": "68292.00000000",
        "l": "68273.43000000",
        "v": "10.37494000",
        "n": 1402,
        "x": false,
        "q": "708461.81457520",
        "V": "0.38858000",
        "Q": "26534.68106390",
        "B": "0",
        "ecode": "B",
        "channel": "B-BTC_USDT_1m",
        "pr": "spot"

Get Depth Snapshot Info ( Order Book )

{pair}@orderbook@50, Here 50 denotes, the depth of the order book the other possible values are 10 and 20.



  • vs: version
  • ts: timestamp
  • pr: product
  • s: symbol(currency)
import socketio

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20"})

def on_message(response):
    print("depth-snapshot Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('depth-snapshot', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20"


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("depth-snapshot", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Depth Snapshot response:


Get Depth Update ( Order Book )

{pair}@orderbook@50, Here 50 denotes, the depth of the order book the other possible values are 10 and 20.



  • vs: version
  • ts: timestamp
  • pr: product
  • E: Event time
  • s: symbol(currency)
import socketio

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20"})

def on_message(response):
    print("depth-update Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('depth-update', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20"


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("depth-update", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'B-BTC_USDT@orderbook@20'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Depth Snapshot response:


Get Current Prices

currentPrices@spot@10s, Here 10 denotes, the interval at which the prices can be fetched, the other possible value is 1s and 10s.



  • vs: version
  • ts: timestamp
  • pr: product
import socketio

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "currentPrices@spot@10s"})

def on_message(response):
    print("currentPrices@spot#update Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('currentPrices@spot#update', {'channelName': "currentPrices@spot@10s"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "currentPrices@spot@10s"


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("currentPrices@spot#update", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'currentPrices@spot@10s'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Current Prices response:


Get Price Stats

priceStats@spot@60s, Here 60 denotes, the interval at which the prices can be fetched.



  • vs: version
  • ts: timestamp
  • pr: product
  • pc: price change percent
  • v: volume 24h
import socketio

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "priceStats@spot@60s"})

def on_message(response):
    print("priceStats@spot#update Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('priceStats@spot#update', {'channelName': "priceStats@spot@60s"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "priceStats@spot@60s"


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("priceStats@spot#update", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'priceStats@spot@60s'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get Price Stat response:


Get New Trade



  • m: whether the buyer is market maker or not
  • p: trade price
  • q: quantity
  • T: timestamp of trade
  • s: symbol(currency)
import socketio

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@trades"})

def on_message(response):
    print("new-trade Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('new-trade', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@trades"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@trades"


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("new-trade", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'B-BTC_USDT@trades'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get New Trade response:


Get Price Change ( LTP )



  • p: trade price
  • T: timestamp of trade
  • pr: Product(spot)
import socketio

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@prices"})

def on_message(response):
    print("price-change Response !!!")

def main():
        sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        while True:
            sio.event('price-change', {'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@prices"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "B-BTC_USDT@prices"


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("price-change", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'B-BTC_USDT@prices'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.

Get New Trade response:


Sample code for Socket Connection


import socketio
import hmac
import hashlib
import json
import time
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime

socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.AsyncClient(logger=True, engineio_logger=True)

key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
channelName = "coindcx"
body = {"channel": channelName}
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

async def ping_task():
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(25)
            await sio.emit('ping', {'data': 'Ping message'})
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error sending ping: {e}")

async def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    # Get the current time
    current_time =

    # Format and print the current time
    print("Connected Time:", current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    await sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "coindcx", 'authSignature': signature, 'apiKey': key})

async def on_message(response):
    # Get the current time
    current_time =

    # Format and print the current time
    print("balance-update Change Time:", current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    print("balance-update Change Response !!!")

async def main():
        await sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        # Wait for the connection to be established

        await sio.wait()
        while True:
            sio.event('balance-update', {'channelName': "coindcx"})

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")
        raise  # re-raise the exception to see the full traceback

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
// Dependencies for the Typescript :
// npm install -g typescript
// npm install -g ts-node
// tsconfig.json file has the below data in it
//      {
//     "compilerOptions": {
//       "module": "commonjs",
//       "target": "es6",
//       "moduleResolution": "node",
//       "esModuleInterop": true,
//       "types": [ "node" ],
//     }
// } 
    // npm install @types/ --save
    // npm install @types/node --save-dev
// command to run the ts file : ts-node file_name.ts 

    // Dependencies for the Node :
// Install Node from :
// npm install ws
// npm install

//For commonJS(NPM)

// const io = require("");
// const crypto = require('crypto');

/// ES6 import or TypeScript

import { Socket, io } from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

// Connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

const secret = "xxx";
const key = "xxx";

const body = { channel: "coindcx" };
const payload = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

socket.on("connect", () => {
  // Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "coindcx",
    'authSignature': signature,
    'apiKey' : key


// Listen for updates on "eventName"
socket.on("balance-update", (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'coindcx'

// NOTE: Make sure you are using a version of that supports the features you need.


Futures End Points


Get active instruments

Use this endpoint to fetch the list of all active Futures instruments

HTTP Request


const request = require('request')

const baseurl = ""

request.get(baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/data/active_instruments",function(error, response, body) {
import requests # Install requests module first.

url = ""

response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()



Get instrument details

Use this endpoint to fetch the all the details of the instrument

HTTP Request


Response Defnitions

Key Description
settle_currency_short_name Currency in which you buy/sell futures contracts
quote_currency_short_name Currency in which you see the price of the futures contract
position_currency_short_name Underlying crypto on which the futures contract is created
underlying_currency_short_name Underlying crypto on which the futures contract is created
status Status of the instrument. Possible values are “active“ and “inactive“.
pair Instrument Pair name. This is the format in which the input of the pairs will be given in any API request.
kind CoinDCX only supports perpetual contracts for now, so this value will always be “perpetual”
settlement This will be the settlement date of the contract. It will be “never” for perpetual contracts
max_leverage_long Ignore this
max_leverage_short Ignore this
unit_contract_value This will be equal to 1 for all the Perpetual futures
price_increment If price increment is 0.1 then price inputs for limit order can be x, x+0.1, x+0.1*2, x+0.1*3, etc
quantity_increment If qty increment is 0.1 then qty inputs for an order can be x, x+0.1, x+0.1*2, x+0.1*3, etc
min_trade_size This is the minimum quantity of a trade that can be settled on exchange.
min_price Minimum amount to enter the position
max_price Maximum amount to enter the position
min_quantity Minimum quantity to enter the position
max_quantity Maximum quantity to enter the position
min_notional Minimum value you can purchase for a symbol
maker_fee Maker fees mean when you add liquidity to the market by placing a new order that isn’t immediately matched.
taker_fee Taker fees mean when you remove liquidity by filling an existing order.
safety_percentage Ignore this
quanto_to_settle_multiplier Ignore this. This will be equal to 1
is_inverse Ignore this. This will be false
is_quanto Ignore this. This will be false
allow_post_only Ignore this
allow_hidden Ignore this
max_market_order_quantity This gives the maximum allowed quantity in a market order
funding_frequency Number of hours after which funding happens. If the value is 8 that means the funding happens every 8 hours.
max_notional Ignore this
exit_only If this is true then you can’t place fresh orders to take a new position or add more to an existing position. Although you can reduce your existing positions and cancel your open orders. If you already have open orders to add positions, they will not be impacted.
multiplier_up This denotes how aggressive your limit buy orders can be placed compared to LTP. For example if the LTP is 100 and you want to place a buy order. The limit price has to be between minPrice and LTP*(1+multiplierUp/100)
multiplier_down This denotes how aggressive your limit sell orders can be placed compared to LTP. For example if the LTP is 100 and you want to place a sell order. The limit price has to be between maxPrice and LTP*(1-multiplierDown/100)
liquidation_fee This denotes Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a trade for the liquidation order
dynamic_position_leverage_details Sample response: { "5":15000000.0, "8":5000000.0, "10":1000000.0, "15":500000.0, "20":100000.0, "25":50000.0 } This gives you the max allowed leverage for a given position size. So for example if your positions size is 120K which is higher than 100K and less than 500K USDT, then max allowed leverage is 15x
dynamic_safety_margin_details Sample response: { "50000":1.5, "100000":2.0, "500000":3.0, "1000000":5.0, "5000000":6.0, "15000000":10.0 } This gives you the calculation for maintenance margin of the position. In the above example, if you have a position size of 60K USDT, then your maintenance margin will be 50K*1.5% + 10K*2% = 950 USDT.Your position will be liquidated when the margin available in your position goes below 950 USDT. Liquidation price is calculated using this number and will be updated in the get position endpoint
expiry_time Ignore this
time_in_force_options Time in force indicates how long your order will remain active before it is executed or expired. Possible values are good_till_cancel, immediate_or_cancel, fill_or_kill
const request = require('request')
const url = "{instrument}"
//const sample_url = ""
request.get(url ,function(error, response, body) {
import requests  # Install requests module first.
url = "{instrument}"
#sample_url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()


      "liquidation_fee": 1.0,

Get instrument Real-time trade history

Use this endpoint to fetch the real time trade history details of the instrument.While rest APIs exist for this, we recommend using Futures Websockets

HTTP Request


Response Defnitions

price Price of the trade update
quantity Quantity of the trade update
timestamp EPOCH timestamp of the event
is_maker If the trade is maker then this value will be “true”
const request = require('request')
const url = "{instrument_name}"
//const sample_url = ""
request.get(url ,function(error, response, body) {
import requests  # Install requests module first.
url = "{instrument_name}"
#sample_url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()


        "price": 1.1702,
        "quantity": 22000,
        "timestamp": 1675037938736,
        "is_maker": true
        "price": 1.1702,
        "quantity": 38000,
        "timestamp": 1675037950130,
        "is_maker": true

Get instrument orderbook

Use this endpoint to fetch the depth of the order book details of the instrument.While rest APIs exist for this, we recommend using Futures Websockets Here 50 denotes, the depth of the order book the other possible values are 10 and 20

HTTP Request


Response Defnitions

ts Epoch timestamp
vs Version
asks List of ask price and quantity
bids List of bid price and quantity
const request = require('request')
const url = "{instrument}-futures/50"
//const sample_url = ""
//Here 50 denotes, the depth of the order book the other possible values are 10 and 20
request.get(url ,function(error, response, body) {
import requests  # Install requests module first.

url = "{instrument}-futures/50"
#sample_url = ""
#Here 50 denotes, the depth of the order book the other possible values are 10 and 20
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()


    "ts": 1705483019891,
    "vs": 27570132,
    "asks": {
        "2001": "2.145",
        "2002": "4.453",
        "2003": "2.997"
    "bids": {
        "1995": "2.618",
        "1996": "1.55"

Get instrument candlesticks

Use this endpoint to fetch the candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time of the instrument.While rest APIs exist for this, we recommend using Futures Websockets

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
pair String YES Name of the pair
from Integer YES EPOCH start timestamp of the required candlestick in seconds
to Integer YES EPOCH end timestamp of the required candlestick in seconds
resolution String YES '1' OR '5' OR '60' OR '1D' for 1min, 5min, 1hour, 1day respectively
pcode String YES Static value “f” to be used here. It denotes product = futures

Response Defnitions

s status
open The first recorded trading price of the pair within that particular timeframe.
high The highest recorded trading price of the pair within that particular timeframe.
low The lowest recorded trading price of the pair within that particular timeframe.
volume Total volume in terms of the quantity of the pair.
close The last recorded trading price of the pair within that particular timeframe.
time EPOCH timestamp of the open time.
const request = require('request')
const url = "{pair}&from={from}&to={to}&resolution={resolution}&pcode=f"
request.get(url ,function(error, response, body) {
import requests
url = ""
query_params = {
    "pair": "B-MKR_USDT",
    "from": 1704100940,
    "to": 1705483340,
    "resolution": "1D",  # '1' OR '5' OR '60' OR '1D'
    "pcode": "f"
response = requests.get(url, params=query_params)
if response.status_code == 200:
    data = response.json()
    # Process the data as needed
    print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")



List Orders

Use this endpoint to fetch the list of orders based on the status ( open,filled,cancelled ) and side ( buy OR sell )

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
status string YES Comma separated statuses as open, filled, partially_filled, partially_cancelled, cancelled, rejected, untriggered
side string YES buy OR sell
page string YES Required page number
size string YES Number of records needed per page

Response Defnitions

id Order id
pair Instrument Pair (Format: B-ETH_USDT)
side Order side. Possible values are buy or sell
status Order status. Possible values are:
  • OPEN - The order has been accepted and is in open status
  • PARTIALLY_FILLED - Order which is partially filled and the remaining quantity is open
  • FILLED - The order has been completely filled
  • CANCELED - The order has been canceled
  • PARTIALLY_CANCELED - Order which is partially filled and the remaining quantity has been cancelled
  • REJECTED - The order was not accepted by the system
  • UNTRIGGERED - TP or SL orders which are not triggered yet
order_type Order type. Possible values are:
  • limit - A type of order where the execution price will be no worse than the order's set price. The execution price is limited to be the set price or better.
  • market - A type of order where the user buys or sells an asset at the best available prices and liquidity until the order is fully filled or the order book's liquidity is exhausted.
  • stop_market - Once the market price hits the stopPrice, a market order is placed on the order book.
  • stop_limit - Once the market price hits the stopPrice, a limit order is placed on the order book at the limit price.
  • take_profit_market - Once the market price hits the stopPrice, a market order is placed on the order book.
  • take_profit_limit - Once the market price hits the stopPrice, a limit order is placed on the order book at the limit price.
stop_trigger_instruction Ignore this
notification Possible options: no_notification, email_notification. Email notification will send email notification once the order is filled.
leverage This is the leverage at which the order was placed
maker_fee Fee charged when the order is executed as maker
taker_fee Fee charged when the order is executed as taker
fee_amount Amount of fee charged on an order. This shows the fee charged only for the executed part of the order
price Limit price at which the limit order was placed. For market order, this will be the market price at the time when the market order was placed
stop_price Trigger price of take profit or stop loss order
avg_price Average execution price of the order on the exchange. It can be different compared to “price” due to liquidity in the order books
total_quantity Total quantity of the order placed
remaining_quantity Remaining quantity of the order which is still open and can be executed in the future
cancelled_quantity Quantity of the order which is cancelled and will not be executed
ideal_margin Ignore this
order_category Ignore this
  • default - Standard limit, market, stop limit, stop market, take profit limit, or take profit market order
  • exit - Quick exit which closes the entire position
  • liquidate - Order which was created by the system to liquidate a futures position
  • tpsl_exit - Take profit or stop loss order which was placed to close the entire futures position
group_id Group id used when a large order is split into smaller parts. All split parts will have the same group id
liquidation_fee Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a trade for the liquidation order
position_margin_type “crossed” if the order was placed for cross margin position. “Isolated” if the order is placed for isolated margin position. Please consider NULL also as isolated.
display_message Ignore this
group_status Ignore this
created_at Timestamp at which the order was created
updated_at Last updated timestamp of the order
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
"timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
"status": "open", // Comma separated statuses as open,filled,cancelled
"side": "buy", // buy OR sell
"page": "1", // no.of pages needed
"size": "10" // no.of records needed
const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')
const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/orders",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp , # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "status": "open", # Comma separated statuses as open,filled,cancelled
        "side": "buy", # buy OR sell
        "page": "1", #// no.of pages needed
        "size": "10" #// no.of records needed

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()


      "liquidation_fee": null,
      "position_margin_type": "crossed",
      "display_message":"ETH limit buy order placed!",
      "liquidation_fee": null,
      "position_margin_type": "crossed",
      "display_message":"ID market buy order filled!",

Create Order

Use this endpoint to create an order by passing the necessary parameters.

HTTP Request


Note : "Do not include 'time_in _force' parameter for market orders."

Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES Latest epoch timestamp when the order is placed. Orders with a delay of more than 10 seconds will be rejected.
side String YES buy OR sell
pair String YES Pair name (format: B-ETH_USDT)
ordertype String YES market, limit, stop_limit, stop_market, take_profit_limit, take_profit_market
price Integer YES Order Price (limit price for limit, stop limit, and take profit limit orders). Keep this NULL for market orders.
total_quantity Integer YES Order total quantity
leverage Integer OPTIONAL This is the leverage at which you want to take a position. Should match the leverage of the position. Preferably set before placing the order to avoid rejection.
notification String YES no_notification OR email_notification. Set as email_notification to receive an email once the order is filled.
time_in_force String OPTIONAL Possible values: good_till_cancel, fill_or_kill, immediate_or_cancel. Default is good_till_cancel if not provided. Should be null for market orders.
hidden Boolean NO Ignore this (Not supported at the moment)
post only Boolean NO Ignore this (Not supported at the moment)

Possible Error Codes

Status Code Message Reason
422 Order leverage must be equal to position leverage When the leverage specified for an order does not match the leverage of the current position.
422 Quantity for limit variant orders should be less than 9500.0 Total quantity for a limit order exceeds the maximum allowed limit.
422 Quantity for market variant orders should be less than 9500.0 Total quantity for a market order exceeds the maximum allowed market order quantity.
400 Price is out of permissible range If limit price or stop price mentioned is out of range i.e. price > max_price || price < min_price for the instrument
400 Please enter a value lower than x Price is greater than max limit price (i.e. ltp + ltp * multiplier_up)
400 Please enter a value higher than x Price is lower than min limit price (i.e. ltp - ltp * multiplier_down)
400 Price should be divisible by 0.01 Price isn't divisible by the tick size
422 Quantity should be greater than y Quantity isn't greater than min quantity
400 Insufficient funds Wallet doesn't have sufficient funds for placing the order
400 Minimum order value should be x USDT Order value must be greater than min notional
400 Instrument is in exit-only mode. You can’t add more position.
400 You've exceeded the max allowed position of x USDT. Current position size is greater than position size threshold
400 Order is exceeding the max allowed position of x USDT. Position size + order value > position size threshold
422 Price can't be empty for limit_order Order
400 Trigger price should be greater than the current price buy order, trigger_price < current price
400 Limit price should be greater than the trigger price buy limit order, limit price < trigger price
400 Trigger price should be less than the current price sell order, trigger price > current price
400 Limit price should be less than the trigger price sell order, limit price < trigger price
500 Invalid input

Response Defnitions

id Order id
pair Name of the futures pair
side Side: buy / sell
status Ignore this (It will be initial for all the newly placed orders)
order_type Order type. Possible values are :
  • limit - a type of order where the execution price will be no worse than the order's set price. The execution price is limited to be the set price or better.
  • market - A type of order where the user buys or sells an asset at the best available prices and liquidity until the order is fully filled or the order book's liquidity is exhausted.
  • stop_market - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a market order is placed on the order book.
  • stop_limit - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a limit order is placed on the order book at the limit price.
  • take_profit_market - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a market order is placed on the order book.
  • take_profit_limit - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a limit order is placed on the order book at the limit price.
notification no_notification OR email_notification If property is set as email_notification then you will get an email once the order is filled
leverage This is the leverage at which you want to take a position. This has to be the same as the leverage of the position. Else the order will be rejected. You should preferably set the leverage before placing the order to avoid order rejection. Leverage needs to be set only once post which it will be saved in the system for that particular pair.
maker_fee Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a maker trade
taker_fee Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a taker trade
fee_amount This will be the fee that has been charged for the user till now. As soon as the order is placed, this value will be zero until you start receiving trades for the order
price Order Price (limit price for limit, stop limit and take profit limit orders) Keep this NULL for market orders. Else the order will be rejected.
avg_price It will be zero for the newly placed orders. You can check the latest fill price from the list orders endpoint.
total_quantity Total quantity of the order
remaining_quantity Remaining quantity of the order that is still open on the exchange and can get filled
cancelled_quantity Quantity of the order that is canceled and won’t be filled
ideal_margin Ignore this
order_category Ignore this
stage default - Standard limit, market, stop limit, stop market, take profit limit or take profit market order exit - Quick exit which closes the entire position liquidate - Order which was created by the system to liquidate a futures position tpsl_exit - Take profit or stop loss order which was placed to close the entire futures position
group_id Group id is an id which is used whenever a large order is split into smaller parts.System auto-splits the market variant orders like quick exit order, liquidate order and tpsl_exit order into smaller parts if the order size is huge. All the split parts will have the same group id
liquidation_fee Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a trade for the liquidation order
position_margin_type “crossed” if the order was placed for cross margin position. “Isolated” if the order is placed for isolated margin position. Please consider NULL also as isolated.
display_message Ignore this
group_status Ignore this
created_at Timestamp at which the order was created
updated_at Last updated timestamp of the order
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
"timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
"order": {
"side": "enum", // buy OR sell
"pair": "string", // instrument.string
"order_type": "enum", // market_order OR limit_order 
"price": "numeric",
"total_quantity": "numeric",
"leverage": "integer",
"notification": "enum", // no_notification OR email_notification OR push_notification
"time_in_force": "enum", // good_till_cancel OR fill_or_kill OR immediate_or_cancel
"hidden": "boolean",
"post_only": "boolean"

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/orders/create",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
        "timestamp":timeStamp , # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "order": {
        "side": "sell", # buy OR sell
        "pair": "B-ID_USDT", # instrument.string
        "order_type": "market_order", # market_order OR limit_order 
        "price": "0.2962", #numeric value
        "total_quantity": 33, #numerice value
        "leverage": 10, #numerice value
        "notification": "email_notification", # no_notification OR email_notification OR push_notification
        "time_in_force": "good_till_cancel", # good_till_cancel OR fill_or_kill OR immediate_or_cancel
        "hidden": False, # True or False
        "post_only": False # True or False

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()


      "liquidation_fee": null,
      "position_margin_type": "crossed",

Cancel Order

Use this endpoint to cancel an order by passing the order id.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
id String YES Order id
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "id": "string" //

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/orders/cancel",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
        "timestamp":timeStamp , # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "id": "c87ca633-6218-44ea-900b-e86981358cbd" #

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



List Positions

Use this endpoint to fetch positions by passing timestamp.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
page String YES Required page number
size String YES Number of records needed per page

Response Defnitions

id Position id. This remains fixed for a particular pair. For example, the position id of your B-ETH_USDT position will remain the same over time.
pair Name of the futures pair
active_pos Quantity of the position in terms of underlying. For example, if active_pos = 1 for B-ETH_USDT then you hold 1 quantity ETH Futures contract. For short positions, active_pos will be negative.
inactive_pos_buy Sum of the open quantities of the pending buy orders.
inactive_pos_sell Sum of the open quantities of the pending sell orders.
avg_price Average entry price of the position.
liquidation_price Price at which the position will get liquidated. This is applicable only for positions with isolated margin. Ignore this for cross margined positions.
locked_margin Margin (in USDT) locked in the position after debiting fees and adjusting funding from the initial investment.
locked_user_margin Margin (in USDT) that was initially invested in the futures position excluding fees and funding.
locked_order_margin Total margin in USDT that is locked in the open orders.
take_profit_trigger Trigger price set for Full Position take profit order.
stop_loss_trigger Trigger price set for Full position stop loss order.
leverage Leverage of the position.
maintenance_margin The amount of margin required to be maintained in the account to avoid liquidation. For cross margined positions, the maintenance margin required is equal to the sum of the maintenance margins of all the positions.
mark_price Mark price at the time when the position was last updated. Note that this value is not real-time and is only for reference purpose.
margin_type “crossed” if the order was placed for cross margin position. “Isolated” if the order is placed for isolated margin position. Please consider NULL also as isolated.
updated_at Timestamp when the position was last updated. It could be due to trade update, funding, add/remove margin, or changes in full position take profit/stop loss orders.
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "page": "1", //no . of pages needed
        "size": "10" //no. of records needed
const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
        "timestamp":timeStamp , # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "page": "1", #no. of pages needed
        "size": "10" #no. of records needed

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()


    "id": "571eae12-236a-11ef-b36f-83670ba609ec",
    "pair": "B-BNB_USDT",
    "active_pos": 0.0,
    "inactive_pos_buy": 0.0,
    "inactive_pos_sell": 0.0,
    "avg_price": 0.0,
    "liquidation_price": 0.0,
    "locked_margin": 0.0,
    "locked_user_margin": 0.0,
    "locked_order_margin": 0.0,
    "take_profit_trigger": null,
    "stop_loss_trigger": null,
    "leverage": 10.0,
    "maintenance_margin": 0.0,
    "mark_price": 0.0,
    "margin_type": "crossed",
    "updated_at": 1717754279737

Get Positions By pairs or positionid

Use this endpoint to fetch positions by passing either pairs or position id’s.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
page String YES Required page number
size String YES Number of records needed per page
pairs String OPTIONAL Instrument pair (can pass multiple values with comma-separated)
position_ids String OPTIONAL Position id’s (can pass multiple values with comma-separated)

NOTE : Based on the requirement use the “ pairs “ or “ position_ids “ parameter. You need to use either one of the 2 parameters

Response Defnitions

id Position id. This remains fixed for a particular pair. For example, the position id of your B-ETH_USDT position will remain the same over time.
pair Name of the futures pair
active_pos Quantity of the position in terms of underlying. For example, if active_pos = 1 for B-ETH_USDT then you hold 1 quantity ETH Futures contract. For short positions, active_pos will be negative.
inactive_pos_buy Sum of the open quantities of the pending buy orders.
inactive_pos_sell Sum of the open quantities of the pending sell orders.
avg_price Average entry price of the position.
liquidation_price Price at which the position will get liquidated. This is applicable only for positions with isolated margin. Ignore this for cross margined positions.
locked_margin Margin (in USDT) locked in the position after debiting fees and adjusting funding from the initial investment.
locked_user_margin Margin (in USDT) that was initially invested in the futures position excluding fees and funding.
locked_order_margin Total margin in USDT that is locked in the open orders.
take_profit_trigger Trigger price set for Full Position take profit order.
stop_loss_trigger Trigger price set for Full position stop loss order.
leverage Leverage of the position.
maintenance_margin The amount of margin required to be maintained in the account to avoid liquidation. For cross margined positions, the maintenance margin required is equal to the sum of the maintenance margins of all the positions.
mark_price Mark price at the time when the position was last updated. Note that this value is not real-time and is only for reference purpose.
margin_type “crossed” if the order was placed for cross margin position. “Isolated” if the order is placed for isolated margin position. Please consider NULL also as isolated.
updated_at Timestamp when the position was last updated. It could be due to trade update, funding, add/remove margin, or changes in full position take profit/stop loss orders.
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "xxx";
const secret = "xxx";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp,
        "page": "1",
        "size": "10",
        "pairs": "B-BTC_USDT,B-ETH_USDT",
             //"position_ids": "7830d2d6-0c3d-11ef-9b57-0fb0912383a7"

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,  # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "page": "1",
    "size": "10",
    "pairs": "B-BTC_USDT,B-ETH_USDT",
    #"position_ids": "7830d2d6-0c3d-11ef-9b57-0fb0912383a7"


json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()


    "id": "c7ae392e-5d70-4aaf-97dc-8e6b0076e391",
    "pair": "B-BTC_USDT",
    "active_pos": 0.0,
    "inactive_pos_buy": 0.0,
    "inactive_pos_sell": 0.0,
    "avg_price": 0.0,
    "liquidation_price": 0.0,
    "locked_margin": 0.0,
    "locked_user_margin": 0.0,
    "locked_order_margin": 0.0,
    "take_profit_trigger": 0.0,
    "stop_loss_trigger": 0.0,
    "leverage": null,
    "maintenance_margin": null,
    "mark_price": null,
    "margin_type": "crossed",
    "updated_at": 1709548678689

Update position leverage

Use this endpoint to update the leverage by passing either pair or position id.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
leverage String YES leverage value
pair String OPTIONAL Instrument pair (can pass multiple values with comma-separated)
id String OPTIONAL Position id’s (can pass multiple values with comma-separated)

NOTE : Based on the requirement use the “ pairs “ or “ position_ids “ parameter. You need to use either one of the 2 parameters

Possible Error Codes

Status Code Message Reason
400 Leverage cannot be less than 1x When leverage specified is less than the minimum allowed leverage of 1x.
400 Max allowed leverage for current position size = 5x User leverage exceeds the maximum allowed leverage based on tiered limits.
400 Insufficient funds Wallet doesn't have sufficient funds for updating position or placing the order.
422 Liquidation will be triggered instantly Condition where liquidation of the position will occur immediately.
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "xxx";
const secret = "xxx";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp, // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "leverage": "5", // leverage value
            "pair": "B-LTC_USDT",
          //"id": "7830d2d6-0c3d-11ef-9b57-0fb0912383a7"    

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/update_leverage
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,  # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "leverage": "5", // leverage value
    "pair": "B-LTC_USDT" // instrument.pair
    #"id": "7830d2d6-0c3d-11ef-9b57-0fb0912383a7"

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = "

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()


  "message": "success",
  "status": 200,
  "code": 200

Add Margin

Use this endpoint to add the margin to the position.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
id String YES Position id
amount Integer YES Amount to be added to the margin. Adding margin to the position makes your position safer by updating its liquidation price.
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a", //
    "amount": 1

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/add_margin",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a", //

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



Remove Margin

Use this endpoint to remove the margin for the position.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
id String YES Position id
amount Integer YES Amount to be removed from the margin. Removing margin increases the risk of your position (liquidation price will get updated).

Possible Error Codes

Status Code Message Reason
422 Cannot remove margin as exit or liquidation is already in process Attempting to modify margin while an exit or liquidation process is ongoing.
422 Cannot change margin for an inactive position Trying to adjust margin for a position that is currently inactive.
422 Cannot remove margin more than available in position Attempting to reduce margin by an amount greater than what is available in the position.
422 Liquidation will be triggered instantly Liquidation of the position will occur immediately due to specific conditions.
422 Max Y USDT can be removed Maximum amount of Y USDT can be withdrawn from the position.
400 Insufficient funds Wallet doesn't have sufficient funds for the requested action.
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""
const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a", //
        "amount": 10
const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')
const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/remove_margin",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp , # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a", #
        "amount": 10

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



Cancel All Open Orders

Use this endpoint to cancel all the open orders till time.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
            "timestamp": timeStamp  // EPOCH timestamp in seconds

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/cancel_all_open_orders",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
"timestamp": timeStamp  // EPOCH timestamp in seconds

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



Cancel All Open Orders for Position

Use this endpoint to cancel all the open orders by passing the position id.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
id String YES Position id
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp":timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a" //

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/cancel_all_open_orders_for_position",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp":timeStamp , # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a" #

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



Exit Position

Use this endpoint to exit position by passing position id.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
id String YES Position id

Response Defnitions

group_id Group id is an id which is used whenever a large order is split into smaller parts. System auto-splits the exit order into smaller parts if the order size is huge. All the split parts will have the same group id.
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp , // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a" //

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/exit",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp , # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "id": "434dc174-6503-4509-8b2b-71b325fe417a" #

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



Create Take Profit and Stop Loss Orders

Use this endpoint to create the profit and stop loss order by passing necessary parameters.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
id String YES Position id
take_profit - stop_price String YES Stop price is the trigger price of the take profit order
take_profit - limit_price String NO Limit price - Ignore this for now. This is not supported.
take_profit - order_type String YES Order type - Only “take_profit_market” is supported for now
stop_loss - stop_price String YES Stop price is the trigger price of the stop loss order
stop_loss - limit_price String NO Limit price - Ignore this for now. This is not supported.
stop_loss - order_type String YES Order type - Only “stop_market” is supported for now

Response Defnitions

status You’ll get this as "untriggered" for all the newly placed orders. Use the list order endpoint to track the status of the order. Large orders may be split into smaller orders; in that case, the group id can be used to track the statuses of all the child orders at once.
stop_trigger_instruction Ignore this
display_message Ignore this
group_status Ignore this
success This will be false if a take profit (TP) or stop loss (SL) creation fails
error Reason for failure
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
  "timestamp": timeStamp, // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
  "id": "e65e8b77-fe7c-40c3-ada1-b1d4ea40465f", //
  "take_profit": {
      "stop_price": "1",
      "limit_price": "0.9", // required for take_profit_limit orders
      "order_type": "take_profit_limit" // take_profit_limit OR take_profit_market
  "stop_loss": {
      "stop_price": "0.271",
      "limit_price": "0.270", // required for stop_limit orders
      "order_type": "stop_limit" // stop_limit OR stop_market

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/create_tpsl",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "timestamp": timeStamp, # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
  "id": "e65e8b77-fe7c-40c3-ada1-b1d4ea40465f", #
  "take_profit": {
      "stop_price": "1",
      "limit_price": "0.9", # required for take_profit_limit orders
      "order_type": "take_profit_limit" # take_profit_limit OR take_profit_market
  "stop_loss": {
      "stop_price": "0.271",
      "limit_price": "0.270", # required for stop_limit orders
      "order_type": "stop_limit" # stop_limit OR stop_market

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()


      "error":"TP already exists"

Get Transactions

Use this endpoint to get the list of transactions by passing the position ids and stage ( all OR default )

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
position_ids String YES Comma separated
stage String YES Funding: Transactions created due to funding
Default: Transactions created for any order placed other than quick exit and full position tpsl
Exit: Transactions created for quick exit orders
Tpsl_exit: Transactions created for full position tpsl_exit orders
Liquidation: Transactions created for liquidation orders
page String YES Required page number
size String YES Number of records needed per page

Response Defnitions

amount This represents the PnL (Profit and Loss) from this particular transaction.
fee_amount This represents the fee charged per transaction. A transaction is created for every trade of the order.
price_in_inr Trade price in terms of INR.
price_in_btc Trade price in terms of BTC.
price_in_usdt Trade price in terms of USDT.
source Source will be “user” for the orders placed by the users and will be “system” for the orders placed by the system. Liquidation orders are placed by the system.
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp, // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
        "position_ids": "e65e8b77-fe7c-40c3-ada1-b1d4ea40465f", // Comma separated
        "stage": "all", // all OR default OR funding
        "page": "1", //no. of pages needed
        "size": "10" //no. of records needed

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/transactions",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "timestamp": timeStamp, # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
  "position_ids": "e65e8b77-fe7c-40c3-ada1-b1d4ea40465f", # Comma separated
  "stage": "all", # all OR default OR funding
  "page": "1", #no. of pages needed
  "size": "10" #no. of records needed
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



Get Trades

Use this endpoint to all the trades information by passing the pair, order id and from and to date.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
pair String YES Name of the pair
order_id String YES Order ID
from_date String YES Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD
to_date String YES End date in format YYYY-MM-DD
page String YES Required page number
size String YES Number of records needed per page

Response Defnitions

const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp, // EPOCH timestamp in seconds
    "pair": "B-ID_USDT", // instrument.pair
    "order_id": "9b37c924-d8cf-4a0b-8475-cc8a2b14b962", //
    "from_date": "2024-01-01", // format YYYY-MM-DD
    "to_date": "2024-01-22", // format YYYY-MM-DD
    "page": "1", //no. of pages needed
    "size": "10" //no of records needed

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/trades",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
  "timestamp":timeStamp, # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
  "pair": "B-ID_USDT", # instrument.pair
  "order_id": "9b37c924-d8cf-4a0b-8475-cc8a2b14b962", #
  "from_date": "2024-01-01", # format YYYY-MM-DD
  "to_date": "2024-01-22", # format YYYY-MM-DD
  "page": "1", #no. of pages needed
  "size": "10" #no. of records needed
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data = json_body, headers = headers)
data = response.json()



Get Current Prices RT

Use this endpoint to get the current prices.

HTTP Request


Response Defnitions

h high
l low
v volume
pc price change percent
btST TPE Tick send time
bmST TPE mark price send time (The timestamp at which Third-Party exchange sent this event)
const request = require('request')
const url = ""
request.get(url ,function(error, response, body) {

import requests  # Install requests module first.
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


  "ts": 1720429586580,
  "vs": 54009972,
  "prices": {
    "B-NTRN_USDT": {
      "fr": 5e-05,
      "h": 0.4027,
      "l": 0.3525,
      "v": 18568384.9349,
      "ls": 0.4012,
      "pc": 4.834,
      "mkt": "NTRNUSDT",
      "btST": 1720429583629,
      "ctRT": 1720429584517,
      "skw": -207,
      "mp": 0.40114525,
      "efr": 5e-05,
      "bmST": 1720429586000,
      "cmRT": 1720429586117
    "B-1000SHIB_USDT": {
      "fr": -0.00011894,
      "h": 0.017099,
      "l": 0.014712,
      "v": 358042914.374195,
      "ls": 0.016909,
      "pc": 2.578,
      "mkt": "1000SHIBUSDT",
      "btST": 1720429586359,
      "ctRT": 1720429586517,
      "skw": -207,
      "mp": 0.01691261,
      "efr": -9.115e-05,
      "bmST": 1720429586000,
      "cmRT": 1720429586117

Get Pair Stats

Use this endpoint to all the trades information by passing the pair.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
pair String YES Name of the pair

Response Defnitions

1H Hour
1D Day
1W Week
1M Month
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/api/v1/derivatives/futures/data/stats?pair=B-ETH_USDT",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests
# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "yyy"
# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,  # EPOCH timestamp in seconds
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
url = ""
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response = requests.get(url, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


  "price_change_percent": {
    "1H": -0.15,
    "1D": 1.41,
    "1W": -11.95,
    "1M": -17.34
  "high_and_low": {
    "1D": {
      "h": 3098.0,
      "l": 2821.26
    "1W": {
      "h": 3498.91,
      "l": 2800.0
  "position": {
    "count_percent": {
      "long": 93.2,
      "short": 6.8
    "value_percent": {
      "long": 91.48,
      "short": 8.52

Get Cross Margin Details

Use this endpoint to get the cross margin details

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds

Response Defnitions

pnl This is gives your unrealised PnL in cross margin positions
maintenance_margin Cumulative maintenance margin of all the cross margined positions
available_wallet_balance Ignore this
total_wallet_balance Total wallet balance excluding the PnL, funding and fees of active positions
total_initial_margin Cumulative maintenance margin for cross and isolated margined positions and orders
total_initial_margin_isolated Cumulative maintenance margin for isolated margined positions and orders
total_initial_margin_crossed Cumulative maintenance margin for Cross margined positions (Excluding orders)
total_open_order_initial_margin_crossed Cumulative initial margin locked for open orders
available_balance_cross Balance available for trading in Cross Margin mode
available_balance_isolated Balance available for trading in Isolated Margin mode
margin_ratio_cross Margin ratio of the positions in cross margin mode. Your Cross positions will get liquidated if the ratio becomes greater than equal to 1
withdrawable_balance Balance that can be withdrawn to spot wallet from futures wallet
total_account_equity total_wallet_balance plus pnl
updated_at Ignore this
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "xxx";
const secret = "xxx";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/positions/cross_margin_details",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests
# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "yyy"
# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)
# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
url = ""
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response = requests.get(url, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


  "pnl": -0.0635144,
  "maintenance_margin": 0.10170128,
  "available_wallet_balance": 7.16966176,
  "total_wallet_balance": 7.16966176,
  "total_initial_margin": 0.68534648,
  "total_initial_margin_isolated": 0.0,
  "total_initial_margin_crossed": 0.68534648,
  "total_open_order_initial_margin_crossed": 0.0,
  "available_balance_cross": 6.42080088,
  "available_balance_isolated": 6.42080088,
  "margin_ratio_cross": 0.01431173,
  "withdrawable_balance": 6.42080088,
  "total_account_equity": 7.10614736,
  "updated_at": 1720526407542

Wallet Transfer

Use this endpoint to transfer money from spot to futures wallet and vice-versa

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
transfer_type String YES "deposit" for depositing funds to futures wallet "withdraw" for withdrawing funds from future wallet
amount Integer YES Amount in terms of input currency
currency_short_name String YES “USDT” for transferring USDT

Response Defnitions

id Transaction id
currency_short_name Currency that was transferred
balance Ignore this
locked_balance Total initial margin locked in isolated margined orders and positions
cross_order_margin Total initial margin locked in cross margined orders
cross_user_margin Total initial margin locked in cross margined positions
To calculate total wallet balance, use this formulae:
Total wallet balance = balance + locked_balance
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp,
        "transfer_type": "withdraw", // "deposit" OR "withdraw" (to/from DF wallet)
    "amount": 1,
    "currency_short_name": "USDT"

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/wallets/transfer",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests
# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "yyy"
# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)
# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,
    "transfer_type": "withdraw", # "deposit" OR "withdraw" (to/from DF wallet)
    "amount": 1,
    "currency_short_name": "USDT"

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
url = ""
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


    "id": "c5f039dd-4e11-4304-8f91-e9c1f62d754d",
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "balance": "6.1693226",
    "locked_balance": "0.0",
    "cross_order_margin": "0.0",
    "cross_user_margin": "0.68534648"

Wallet Details

Use this endpoint to the wallet details.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds

Response Defnitions

id Futures wallet id
currency_short_name Currency of wallet
balance Ignore this
locked_balance Total initial margin locked in isolated margined orders and positions
cross_order_margin Total initial margin locked in cross margined orders
cross_user_margin Total initial margin locked in cross margined positions
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/wallets",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body

request.get(options, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests
# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "yyy"
# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)
# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
url = ""
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response = requests.get(url, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


    "id": "c5f039dd-4e11-4304-8f91-e9c1f62d754d",
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "balance": "6.1693226",
    "locked_balance": "0.0",
    "cross_order_margin": "0.0",
    "cross_user_margin": "0.68534648"

Wallet Transactions

Use this endpoint to get the list of wallet transactions.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds

Response Defnitions

derivatives_futures_wallet_id Futures wallet id
transaction_type Credit (into futures wallet) or debit (from futures wallet)
amount Transaction amount
currency_short_name Currency of wallet
currency_full_name Currency full name of wallet
reason Reason will be
  • by_universal_wallet: For transfers between spot and futures wallets.
  • by_futures_order: For all the transactions created due to a futures order
  • by_futures_funding: For all the transaction created due to funding (only applicable for fundings that occur in cross margined positions)
created_at Timestamp at which the transaction got created
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "";
const secret = "";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/wallets/transactions?page=1&size=1000",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body

request.get(options, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests
# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "yyy"
# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)
# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
url = ""
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response = requests.get(url, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


    "derivatives_futures_wallet_id": "c5f039dd-4e11-4304-8f91-e9c1f62d754d",
    "transaction_type": "debit",
    "amount": 1.0,
    "currency_short_name": "USDT",
    "currency_full_name": "Tether",
    "reason": "by_universal_wallet",
    "created_at": 1720547024000

Edit Order

Use this endpoint to edit the order which is in open status.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
id String YES Order id
total_quantity Integer YES New total quantity of the order
price Integer YES New price of the order

Response Defnitions

id Order id
pair Name of the futures pair
side Side buy / sell
status Ignore this (It will be initial for all the newly placed orders)
order_type Order type. Possible values are:
  • limit - a type of order where the execution price will be no worse than the order's set price. The execution price is limited to be the set price or better.
  • market - A type of order where the user buys or sells an asset at the best available prices and liquidity until the order is fully filled or the order book's liquidity is exhausted.
  • stop_market - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a market order is placed on the order book.
  • stop_limit - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a limit order is placed on the order book at the limit price.
  • take_profit_market - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a market order is placed on the order book.
  • take_profit_limit - once the market price hits the stopPrice, a limit order is placed on the order book at the limit price.
notification no_notification OR email_notification. If property is set as email_notification then you will get an email once the order is filled
leverage This is the leverage at which you want to take a position. This has to be the same as the leverage of the position. Else the order will be rejected. You should preferably set the leverage before placing the order to avoid order rejection. Leverage needs to be set only once post which it will be saved in the system for that particular pair.
maker_fee Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a maker trade
taker_fee Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a taker trade
liquidation_fee Applicable fee if the trade received for the order is a trade for the liquidation order
fee_amount This will be the fee that has been charged for the user till now. As soon as the order is placed, this value will be zero until you start receiving trades for the order
price Order Price (limit price for limit, stop limit and take profit limit orders). Keep this NULL for market orders. Else the order will be rejected.
avg_price It will be zero for the newly placed orders. You can check the latest fill price from the list orders endpoint
total_quantity Total quantity of the order
remaining_quantity Remaining quantity of the order that is still open on the exchange and can get filled
cancelled_quantity Quantity of the order that is canceled and won’t be filled
ideal_margin This is the margin that is required for placing this order. You will see the ideal margin as non-zero even for reduce orders but the actual margin locked for reduce orders will be 0. This number is only for reference purpose.
order_category Ignore this
position_margin_type “crossed” if the order was placed for cross margin position. “Isolated” if the order is placed for isolated margin position. Please consider NULL also as isolated.
stage default - Standard limit, market, stop limit, stop market, take profit limit or take profit market order
exit - Quick exit which closes the entire position
liquidate - Order which was created by the system to liquidate a futures position
tpsl_exit - Take profit or stop loss order which was placed to close the entire futures position
group_id Group id is an id which is used whenever a large order is split into smaller parts. System auto-splits the market variant orders like quick exit order, liquidate order and tpsl_exit order into smaller parts if the order size is huge. All the split parts will have the same group id
display_message Ignore this
group_status Ignore this
created_at Timestamp at which the order was created
updated_at Last updated timestamp of the order
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "xxx";
const secret = "yyy";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp,
        "id": "dd456ab4-4a7d-11ef-a287-bf3cd92be693",
        "total_quantity": 12,
        "price": 0.999501

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/orders/edit",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,
    "id": "dd456ab4-4a7d-11ef-a287-bf3cd92be693",
    "total_quantity": 12,
    "price": 0.999501

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


    "id": "dd456ab4-4a7d-11ef-a287-bf3cd92be693",
    "pair": "B-USDC_USDT",
    "side": "buy",
    "status": "open",
    "order_type": "limit_order",
    "stop_trigger_instruction": "last_price",
    "notification": "email_notification",
    "leverage": 5.0,
    "maker_fee": 0.025,
    "taker_fee": 0.074,
    "liquidation_fee": null,
    "fee_amount": 0.0,
    "price": 0.999501,
    "stop_price": 0.0,
    "avg_price": 0.0,
    "total_quantity": 12.0,
    "remaining_quantity": 12.0,
    "cancelled_quantity": 0.0,
    "ideal_margin": 2.402352627552,
    "locked_margin": 2.402352627552,
    "order_category": null,
    "position_margin_type": "isolated",
    "stage": "default",
    "created_at": 1721908991520,
    "updated_at": 1721909127960,
    "trades": [],
    "display_message": "Order edited successfully",
    "group_status": null,
    "group_id": null,
    "metatags": null

Change Position Margin Type

Use this endpoint to change the margin type from "isolated" to "crossed" and vice-versa.

HTTP Request


Request Defnitions

Name Type Mandatory Description
timestamp Integer YES EPOCH timestamp in seconds
pair String YES Instrument Pair name, Format: B-BTC_USDT, B-ETH_USDT, etc
margin_type Integer YES “Isolated” or “crossed”

Response Defnitions

id Position id
pair Name of the futures pair
active_pos Quantity of the position in terms of underlying. For example, if active_pos = 1 for B-ETH_USDT then you hold 1 quantity ETH Futures contract. For short positions, active_pos will be negative.
inactive_pos_buy Sum of the open quantities of the pending buy orders.
inactive_pos_sell Sum of the open quantities of the pending sell orders.
avg_price Average entry price of the position.
liquidation_price Price at which the position will get liquidated. This is applicable only for positions with isolated margin. Ignore this for cross margined positions.
locked_margin Margin (in USDT) locked in the position after debiting fees and adjusting funding from the initial investment.
locked_user_margin Margin (in USDT) that was initially invested in the futures position excluding fees and funding.
locked_order_margin Total margin in USDT that is locked in the open orders.
take_profit_trigger Trigger price set for Full Position take profit order.
stop_loss_trigger Trigger price set for Full position stop loss order.
margin_type “crossed” if the order was placed for cross margin position. “Isolated” if the order is placed for isolated margin position. Please consider NULL also as isolated.
leverage Leverage of the position
maintenance_margin The amount of margin required to be maintained in the account to avoid liquidation. For cross margined positions, the maintenance margin required is equal to the sum of the maintenance margins of all the positions
mark_price Mark price at the time when the position was last updated. Note that this value is not real-time and is only for reference purpose.
updated_at Ignore this
const request = require('request')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const baseurl = ""

const timeStamp = Math.floor(;
// To check if the timestamp is correct

// Place your API key and secret below. You can generate it from the website.
const key = "xxx";
const secret = "yyy";

const body = {
        "timestamp": timeStamp,
        "pair": "B-JTO_USDT",
            "margin_type": "isolated",  # "isolated" or "crossed"

const payload = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

const options = {
    url: baseurl + "/exchange/v1/derivatives/futures/orders/edit",
    headers: {
        'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
        'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
    json: true,
    body: body
}, function(error, response, body) {

import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import time
import requests

# Enter your API Key and Secret here. If you don't have one, you can generate it from the website.
key = "xxx"
secret = "yyy"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
# secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

# Generating a timestamp
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))

body = {
    "timestamp": timeStamp,
    "pair": "B-JTO_USDT",
    "margin_type": "isolated",  # "isolated" or "crossed"

json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))

signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

url = ""

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-AUTH-APIKEY': key,
    'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature

response =, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=2))


    "id": "6bcb26f8-4a7d-11ef-b553-6bef92793bf4",
    "pair": "B-JTO_USDT",
    "active_pos": 0.0,
    "inactive_pos_buy": 0.0,
    "inactive_pos_sell": 0.0,
    "avg_price": 0.0,
    "liquidation_price": 0.0,
    "locked_margin": 0.0,
    "locked_user_margin": 0.0,
    "locked_order_margin": 0.0,
    "take_profit_trigger": null,
    "stop_loss_trigger": null,
    "margin_type": "isolated",
    "leverage": 5.0,
    "mark_price": 0.0,
    "maintenance_margin": 0.0,
    "updated_at": 1721978237197

Futures Sockets



import socketio
import hmac
import hashlib
import json
socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.Client()

sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports = 'websocket')

key = "XXXX"
secret = "YYYY"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
# python2
secret_bytes = bytes(secret)

body = {"channel":"coindcx"}
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators = (',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

# Join channel
sio.emit('join', { 'channelName': 'coindcx', 'authSignature': signature, 'apiKey' : key })

### Listen update on eventName
### Replace the <eventName> with the df-position-update, df-order-update, ###balance-update

def on_message(response):

# leave a channel
sio.emit('leave', { 'channelName' : 'coindcx' })

//For commonJS(NPM)
const io = require("");
const crypto = require('crypto');

/// ES6 import or TypeScript
import io from '';
import crypto from 'crypto';

const socketEndpoint = "wss://";

//connect to server.
const socket = io(socketEndpoint, {
  transports: ['websocket']

const secret = "secret";
const key = "key";

const body = { channel: "coindcx" };
const payload = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(body)).toString();
const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret).update(payload).digest('hex')

socket.on("connect", () => {
  //Join channel
  socket.emit('join', {
    'channelName': "coindcx",
    'authSignature': signature,
    'apiKey' : key

//Listen update on eventName
//Replace the <eventName> with the df-position-update, df-order-update, //balance-update
socket.on(<eventName>, (response) => {

// In order to leave a channel
socket.emit('leave', {
  'channelName': 'coindcx'

// NOTE : Need to use V2

Get Position Update


def on_message(response):
socket.on("df-position-update", (response) => {



Get Order Update


def on_message(response):
socket.on("df-order-update", (response) => {




Get Balance Update


def on_message(response):
socket.on("balance-update", (response) => {



Get Candlestick Data


The set of candlestick resolutions available are ["1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "4h", "8h", "1d", "3d", "1w", "1M"]. For example for 15 minute candle please connect to channel [instrument_name]_15m-futures

def on_message(response):
socket.on("candlestick", (response) => {



Get Orderbook


def on_message(response):
socket.on("depth-snapshot", (response) => {



Get Current Prices


def on_message(response):
socket.on("currentPrices@futures#update", (response) => {



Get New Trade


def on_message(response):
socket.on("new-trade", (response) => {



Get LTP Data


def on_message(response):
socket.on("price-change", (response) => {



Sample code for Socket Connection


import socketio
import hmac
import hashlib
import json
import time
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
from socketio.exceptions import TimeoutError
socketEndpoint = 'wss://'
sio = socketio.AsyncClient()

key = "xxx"
secret = "xxx"

# python3
secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8')
channelName = "coindcx"
body = {"channel": channelName}
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature =, json_body.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

async def ping_task():
    while True:
        await asyncio.sleep(25)
            await sio.emit('ping', {'data': 'Ping message'})
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error sending ping: {e}")

async def connect():
    print("I'm connected!")
    current_time =
    print("Connected Time:", current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))

    await sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "coindcx", 'authSignature': signature, 'apiKey': key})
    await sio.emit('join', {'channelName': "B-ID_USDT@prices-futures"})

async def on_message(response):
    current_time =
    print("Price Change Time:", current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    print("Price Change Response !!!")

async def main():
        await sio.connect(socketEndpoint, transports='websocket')
        # Wait for the connection to be established

        await sio.wait()
        while True:
            sio.event('price-change', {'channelName': "B-ID_USDT@prices-futures"})
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to the server: {e}")
        raise  # re-raise the exception to see the full traceback

# Run the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':



From where to start

Refer Setup section for the details

1. How to generate Key and Secret for a user

Refer Setup section for the details

2. Can a user have multiple Key and Secret

Yes, there are no restriction on creating Key and Secret.

3. Are there Read Only APIs available for CoinDCX Public APIs

No, we currently don't have Read Only APIs.

4. Can the same API Key be regenerated once it gets deleted

No, you’ll need to generate a new API key and secret for security purposes.

5. Can I use the same API key secret everytime also can I share them with someone else

Since all API users have the same level of permissions, API keys are interchangeable. However in case
you choose to bind API keys with IP addresses, you might need to create a different API key for every user.

General API
1. What are the rate limits applicable on CoinDCX APIs

16/sec, 960/min

2. In the case of an API failure what is the HTTP status code returned by the CoinDCX APIs?

In the case of API failure you get a 5xx error. The 2 applicable errors are:

  • 500: Internal Server Error. This is a one-off error that happens due to internal issues on CoinDCX’s side
  • 503: Service Unavailable. This error is thrown when there is a downtime at CoinDCX. These should get resolved fairly quickly.

For scheduled downtimes, you would receive prior notification over e-mail from the email ID [email protected] among other CoinDCX email IDs.
Please add us to your address-book so as to not miss such important emails.

3. What is High Frequency Trading

High frequency trading refers to trading activity done through automated programs that generally take advantage of market inefficiencies to make money.

4. What's the maximum size of a trade that can be executed via APIs

This can be found from the max_quantity key from Market Details API.This detail is available at a per pair/market level and depends on the Exchange that you are trading on.

5. Is there any API that's available to list all the trading transactions of the account

Yes, you can use the Account Trade History API for the same.
API keys are different for master and sub account and so are the trade history APIs.

6. How do sub accounts work with APIs

API keys are different for master and sub accounts and so are the trades and trade histories.

7. Is any data available without authentication through API Key and Secret

The following data is available without authentication:

  • In REST APIs here’s a list of public endpoints that don’t need an authentication
  • In Websockets, the order book and market data is available without authentication

8. Is Futures trading available through Public APIs

No, currently this feature is not available.

1. How to evaluate order quantity with the combination of min_quantity / max_quantity and precision

To derive quantity value for an order both min_quantity and precision condition should meet.
So as example shared by user when min_quantity = 0.001 and target precision = 2 in this case
order quantity cannot be less than 0.01 this satisfy both the condition of min_quantity and target precision.

2. How to get Market specific data (Ex: status, min_quantity, max_quantity, target precision etc)

GET /exchange/v1/markets_details API can be use to fetch this data, the response of this API contains
parameter related to specific market.
For example base_currency_precision, target_currency_precision, min_quantity, max_quantity etc. API Link

3. How to get Candles data for a market

GET /market_data/candles?pair=B-BTC_USDT&interval=1m API can be use to fetch candle data. API Link

4. Is there a place, where I can get the full report of 52 week high, 52 week low, 24hr, 1week,1hr data.

Yes, this can be fetched from the Candles API.

5. What is the difference between fee and fee_amount that is received in the response of New Order and Multiple Orders API

The parameter fee returns the fee percentage charged on the transaction whereas the fee_amount parameter returns the absolute amount of fee charged in the base currency.

6. How can the prices for a particular market be fetched

You can fetch the OHLC (Open, High, Low and Close) data for various intervals from the Candles API for a particuar market.

7. How should we determine the minimum quantity for a particular market

Please use the following steps to determine the minimum quantity that can be traded for a particular market:
  1. Please fetch the min_quantity from Market Details API.
  2. Please fetch the target_currency_precision from Market Details API. If the       target currency precision is 2 that can be interpreted as the minimum       quantity available to be 0.01.
  3. The maximum of the above 2 values would give you the minimum quantity       that you can order for a particular market.
Hence if the min_quantity returns 0.0001 and the target_currency_precision is 2, then the min quantity allowed is actually 0.01 and not 0.0001.

1. How to find available order types for a market

The available order types for a particular pair/market can be obtained from order_types param of the Market Details API. These can then used accordingly while creating Orders

2. What are the meanings of the different kinds of orders available?

Please refer to this article for more information on this topic

3. How can one calculate the tentative order value before placing an order

This would depend on the kind of order that you’d like to place.

  • In case of limit value this can be calculated with the price and quantity you’d like to set.
  • In case of market value, this can be calculated by fetching the latest prices from the Candles API and multiplying with the quantity you’d like to order. The final price will however depend on the market conditions.
  • In case of stop limit order, the price you’d set would determine the

4. For a failed transaction will there be a fee charged

No fee would be applicable on a failed transaction.

5. How can the total open orders for a particular pair be found

This can be done in 2 ways:

6. What is the max length of the client order id

The maximum allowed length is 36 characters

7. What are the various reasons for which orders could not be placed

There could be several reasons because of which an order could not be placed. Some of these are listed below:

  • There isn’t enough balance present in the user's wallet
  • Rate limits have been hit
  • The order type sent is not present for the market
  • The mandatory fields needed to execute the order are not sent

8. What are the various reasons for which orders could be rejected after getting placed

There could be several edge cases because of which an order could be placed but rejected at a later stage. One of them is that in case of market orders, the order value could go below the min notional value of the market.

1. On websockets for orderbooks, are the updates a snapshot or an incremental update

On orderbook related data on CoinDCX Websockets are snapshot updates only.

2. On websockets, what is the depth of orderbook updates available

Every new update event will have upto 50 recent orders

3. Can I only get the order book upto a certain depth (for ex: top 10 only)

This functionality is not available. Every order book update event will give a update of upto 50 recent orders

4. Are there private channels on CoinDCX Websockets? How do I access them?

Publicly available data like market data and order book are available on public channels. On private channels, user specific information like New orders, order updates,user balance update are available. These can be accessed post authentication via API key and secret. Please see the following for more details

5. Is there a way to use CoinDCX websockets without

CoinDCX Websockets are currently implemented via This is the only officially supported library for our websockets.

User Data
1. How can I get my balances and update in balance via APIs

There are 2 ways to fetch this data:

  • You can use our REST APIs here
  • You can also get this data via our websockets by following the steps here

2. Can I get my fee tier via APIs

We currently don't have this available on our APIs

Handling Errors
1. “Invalid Request”

This happens when there is something incorrect in the request body. These could be:

  • Not sending all mandatory params
  • Not sending the right values in the query params
  • Not using the right JSON structure in the request body

Please re-check the request params and values you are passing in the request.

2. “Order type not allowed”

This happens when particular order type is not allowed for the market For example: BTCINR market has only limit and market type orders, so user won’t be able to place stop_limit orders for BTCINR market. Allowed order type for a market can be checked from Market Details API.

3. “Too Many Requests”

This happens when user makes too many API calls which leads to rate limit for a user.

4. “This order cannot be cancelled”

This happens when the order id passed in the request body is in filled, cancelled or rejected status. Order can be cancelled only when its in open or partially_filled status. Order status of an order can be checked using Order Status API.

5. “packet queue is empty, aborting”

This happens when connection with the socket is lost. In this case please connect with the socket again and re-join the channel.


The CoinDCX API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
404 Not Found -- The specified link could not be found.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're making too many API calls
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

High-Frequency Trading

CoinDCX’s API for High-Frequency Trading (HFT)

CoinDCX provides special access to our HFT APIs for enterprise and specialized clients. These APIs will enable our clients to trade and receive market data with faster API responses and higher API rate limits.

To receive this access, kindly contact our support team. Our team members will request you for a static IP address which we will keep as our Trusted IPs for HFT. Once your IP address has been added as ‘Trusted’, you will receive the required access to our HFT API services.